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NAPPIKLEEN Anti-Bacterial & New Born Liquid Wash offers high quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. Suitable for users seeking for a mild & gentle laundry detergent that kills 99.9% bacteria.

NAPPIKLEEN Anti-Bacterial & New Born Liquid Wash offers high quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. Suitable for users seeking for a mild & gentle laundry detergent that kills 99.9% bacteria.
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Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya gunakan nappikleen sewaktu anak saya masih baby kerana kandungan liquid wash ni tidak bahaya untuk kulit bayi. Recommended untuk cucian baju bayi.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya gunakan nappikleen sewaktu anak saya masih baby kerana kandungan liquid wash ni tidak bahaya untuk kulit bayi. Recommended untuk cucian baju bayi.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

The smell is not too overpowering; maybe that is why it is suitable for babies, especially babies; with sensitive skin. And it is doing a good job to clean...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The smell is not too overpowering; maybe that is why it is suitable for babies, especially babies; with sensitive skin. And it is doing a good job to clean...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya selalu menggunakan sabun ini kerana yakin bersih selepas cucian segala kotoran tertanggal. Sabun ini sangat lembut sesuai untuk pakaiaan bayi saya. Ba...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya selalu menggunakan sabun ini kerana yakin bersih selepas cucian segala kotoran tertanggal. Sabun ini sangat lembut sesuai untuk pakaiaan bayi saya. Ba...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

mild, gentle & safe to use on baby's clothes & can clean baby's laundry effectively

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
mild, gentle & safe to use on baby's clothes & can clean baby's laundry effectively

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I enjoy use this item. Smell so good and the quality makes me repeat use it.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I enjoy use this item. Smell so good and the quality makes me repeat use it.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
so good and recommeded..bau sgt wangi dan sesuai dgn bayi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
so good and recommeded..bau sgt wangi dan sesuai dgn bayi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Sangat berkesan, bau wangi dan sangat sesuai untuk bayi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Sangat berkesan, bau wangi dan sangat sesuai untuk bayi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Bau yang wangi seperti bau baby. Berkesan untuk menanggalkan kotoran degil.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau yang wangi seperti bau baby. Berkesan untuk menanggalkan kotoran degil.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Affordable price, suitable for newborn baby used. Gentle with a light baby powder aroma. remove stain well also

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Affordable price, suitable for newborn baby used. Gentle with a light baby powder aroma. remove stain well also

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Sabun ni memang tahan lama bau dekat baju . Sabun baby yang paling wangi & xhapak dekat baju baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Sabun ni memang tahan lama bau dekat baju . Sabun baby yang paling wangi & xhapak dekat baju baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Belikan untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Bau yang soft dan tenang. Tidak merosakkan pakaian. Kotoran juga hilang dan memelihara kulit.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Belikan untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Bau yang soft dan tenang. Tidak merosakkan pakaian. Kotoran juga hilang dan memelihara kulit.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

smells really good and able to wash soiled clothes and napkins easily and clean, its safe to use for baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
smells really good and able to wash soiled clothes and napkins easily and clean, its safe to use for baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Suka pakai jenama ni sebab affordable to buy. Memang murah berbanding jenama lain. Bau pun wangi okayla. Sesuai untuk baby yang ada kulit sensitif and ekze...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Suka pakai jenama ni sebab affordable to buy. Memang murah berbanding jenama lain. Bau pun wangi okayla. Sesuai untuk baby yang ada kulit sensitif and ekze...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya gunakan nappikleen ini untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Baunya sangat best. Bau lembut seperi baby. Dapat hilangkan kotoran dan tidak rosakkan p...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya gunakan nappikleen ini untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Baunya sangat best. Bau lembut seperi baby. Dapat hilangkan kotoran dan tidak rosakkan p...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

I use this for my baby cloth laundry. The smell is nice and did not strong like other laundry detergents. As daily i need to hand wash baby cloths, therefo...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I use this for my baby cloth laundry. The smell is nice and did not strong like other laundry detergents. As daily i need to hand wash baby cloths, therefo...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
My kid has sensitive skin and I always needed to find detergent that suits his skin without triggering any rashes, dryness and other skin problems. Nappikl...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
My kid has sensitive skin and I always needed to find detergent that suits his skin without triggering any rashes, dryness and other skin problems. Nappikl...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau dia memang lembut je, tak keterlaluan wangi which is good sebab barang untuk baby sepatutnya fragrance free. Harga sedikit mahal tapi disebabkan dia sa...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau dia memang lembut je, tak keterlaluan wangi which is good sebab barang untuk baby sepatutnya fragrance free. Harga sedikit mahal tapi disebabkan dia sa...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash


Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya gunakan nappikleen sewaktu anak saya masih baby kerana kandungan liquid wash ni tidak bahaya untuk kulit bayi. Recommended untuk cucian baju bayi.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya gunakan nappikleen sewaktu anak saya masih baby kerana kandungan liquid wash ni tidak bahaya untuk kulit bayi. Recommended untuk cucian baju bayi.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I enjoy use this item. Smell so good and the quality makes me repeat use it.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I enjoy use this item. Smell so good and the quality makes me repeat use it.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Bau yang wangi seperti bau baby. Berkesan untuk menanggalkan kotoran degil.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau yang wangi seperti bau baby. Berkesan untuk menanggalkan kotoran degil.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Sabun ni memang tahan lama bau dekat baju . Sabun baby yang paling wangi & xhapak dekat baju baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Sabun ni memang tahan lama bau dekat baju . Sabun baby yang paling wangi & xhapak dekat baju baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Belikan untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Bau yang soft dan tenang. Tidak merosakkan pakaian. Kotoran juga hilang dan memelihara kulit.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Belikan untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Bau yang soft dan tenang. Tidak merosakkan pakaian. Kotoran juga hilang dan memelihara kulit.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

smells really good and able to wash soiled clothes and napkins easily and clean, its safe to use for baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
smells really good and able to wash soiled clothes and napkins easily and clean, its safe to use for baby

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya gunakan nappikleen ini untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Baunya sangat best. Bau lembut seperi baby. Dapat hilangkan kotoran dan tidak rosakkan p...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya gunakan nappikleen ini untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil saya. Baunya sangat best. Bau lembut seperi baby. Dapat hilangkan kotoran dan tidak rosakkan p...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Nappikleen liquid wash menjadi pilihan saya untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil. Bauan yang soft dan fresh. Sangat lembut pada kulit dan memelihara kulit anak...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Nappikleen liquid wash menjadi pilihan saya untuk mencuci pakaian anak kecil. Bauan yang soft dan fresh. Sangat lembut pada kulit dan memelihara kulit anak...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Pertama sekali saya pilih sabun ni sebab harga berpatutan. Bau lembut dan berkesan hilangkan bau susu baby. Baju baby juga lembuh selepas kering.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Pertama sekali saya pilih sabun ni sebab harga berpatutan. Bau lembut dan berkesan hilangkan bau susu baby. Baju baby juga lembuh selepas kering.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Yg ni pun best .. wangi je .. lembut je baju baby dia buat .. betul betul bersih baju baby abg i dia buat .. now they use this liquid wash as they permenan...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Yg ni pun best .. wangi je .. lembut je baju baby dia buat .. betul betul bersih baju baby abg i dia buat .. now they use this liquid wash as they permenan...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya suka sabun baju bayi jenama Nappikleen ni. Baju betul2 bersih & wangi. Lepas jemur, baju dah kering pun masih bau wangi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya suka sabun baju bayi jenama Nappikleen ni. Baju betul2 bersih & wangi. Lepas jemur, baju dah kering pun masih bau wangi

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Nappikleen very soft and mild. Suitable to wash my baby clothes. I even used it to wash my tudung 😅

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Nappikleen very soft and mild. Suitable to wash my baby clothes. I even used it to wash my tudung 😅

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Baju anak-anak sangat lembut selepas di cuci dan diyakini bersih.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Baju anak-anak sangat lembut selepas di cuci dan diyakini bersih.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Nappikleen bagus cucian yang bersih,wangi dan lembut. ....

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Nappikleen bagus cucian yang bersih,wangi dan lembut. ....

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Nice to use. Able to clean dirt and nice scent. Recommend

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Nice to use. Able to clean dirt and nice scent. Recommend

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

I have been using Napplikleen on baby’s clothes since my first born. Nappikleen is so gentle on my baby’s skin and eliminates even the most stubborn stains...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I have been using Napplikleen on baby’s clothes since my first born. Nappikleen is so gentle on my baby’s skin and eliminates even the most stubborn stains...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
highly recommended to all mums and dads. Good quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. It is specially formulated to be gentle and safe on y...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
highly recommended to all mums and dads. Good quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. It is specially formulated to be gentle and safe on y...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Sejak menggunakan Nappikleen ni, baju-baju baby saya lembut dan bersih.. Baby saya pun tak gatal-gatal seperti sebelum ini.. Kerana Napikleen memang dihasi...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Sejak menggunakan Nappikleen ni, baju-baju baby saya lembut dan bersih.. Baby saya pun tak gatal-gatal seperti sebelum ini.. Kerana Napikleen memang dihasi...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

sesuai untuk babby yang kulit senstif sangat lembut dan harum

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
sesuai untuk babby yang kulit senstif sangat lembut dan harum

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Personally don't quite like the 1st impression of the product as it doesn't smell good. It works well in cleaning urine from kids pants but I prefer wash t...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Personally don't quite like the 1st impression of the product as it doesn't smell good. It works well in cleaning urine from kids pants but I prefer wash t...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Produk ini sesuai untuk cucian baju si manja saya.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Produk ini sesuai untuk cucian baju si manja saya.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The smell so nice. Not too strong and not odourless too.. Just nice for my baby cloth. It also remove stain easily and doesnot require to soak for a day.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The smell so nice. Not too strong and not odourless too.. Just nice for my baby cloth. It also remove stain easily and doesnot require to soak for a day.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Smell good even after few days of wash. Couldnt comment on stain removal as my baby clothes are usually stainless. The price for this detergent is value fo...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Smell good even after few days of wash. Couldnt comment on stain removal as my baby clothes are usually stainless. The price for this detergent is value fo...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau wangi sangat😍 Sesuai digunakan untuk pakaian bayi😍 Tak rasa gatal gatal lepas cuci macam pencuci yang lain😍 Bau tahan dalam masa 18 jam😍

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Bau wangi sangat😍 Sesuai digunakan untuk pakaian bayi😍 Tak rasa gatal gatal lepas cuci macam pencuci yang lain😍 Bau tahan dalam masa 18 jam😍

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Good and safe product with no strong fragrance. My son has no complain with the smell after wash.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Good and safe product with no strong fragrance. My son has no complain with the smell after wash.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

I’ve tried NAPPIKLEEN ANTI BACTERIAL LIQUID WASH to wash my baby clothes , it helps removes tough stains and smells ok

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
I’ve tried NAPPIKLEEN ANTI BACTERIAL LIQUID WASH to wash my baby clothes , it helps removes tough stains and smells ok

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

The smell is not too overpowering; maybe that is why it is suitable for babies, especially babies; with sensitive skin. And it is doing a good job to clean...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The smell is not too overpowering; maybe that is why it is suitable for babies, especially babies; with sensitive skin. And it is doing a good job to clean...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Managed to remove the tough food stains which had been a nightmare since he started feeding himself.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Managed to remove the tough food stains which had been a nightmare since he started feeding himself.

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
bau yang harum sesuai untuk dijadikan bahan pencuci.selimut anak saya menjadi lebih lembut & gebu.tambahan pula produk anti bacteria membuatkan saya tidak ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
bau yang harum sesuai untuk dijadikan bahan pencuci.selimut anak saya menjadi lebih lembut & gebu.tambahan pula produk anti bacteria membuatkan saya tidak ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The fragrance smell is strong. As my boy like to bite his handkerchief and pillow, i not really dare to use it as his laundry wash. But it works very well ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
The fragrance smell is strong. As my boy like to bite his handkerchief and pillow, i not really dare to use it as his laundry wash. But it works very well ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
My kid has sensitive skin and I always needed to find detergent that suits his skin without triggering any rashes, dryness and other skin problems. Nappikl...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
My kid has sensitive skin and I always needed to find detergent that suits his skin without triggering any rashes, dryness and other skin problems. Nappikl...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Saya suka sgt dengan bau nappykleen..recomended Kalau basuh msih bau lagi wangi di pakaian ank sya..

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Saya suka sgt dengan bau nappykleen..recomended Kalau basuh msih bau lagi wangi di pakaian ank sya..

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Baju Sgt bersih dan bau pada baju sangat wangi.. Segala kekptoran hilang dgn satu cuci an sahaja.. Amazing

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Baju Sgt bersih dan bau pada baju sangat wangi.. Segala kekptoran hilang dgn satu cuci an sahaja.. Amazing

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

- setelah mencuba pencuci pakaian bayi ini saya dapati ianya sangat wangi semasa mencuci, setelah baju kering ia kekal wangi. Selain itu pakaian akan sedik...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
- setelah mencuba pencuci pakaian bayi ini saya dapati ianya sangat wangi semasa mencuci, setelah baju kering ia kekal wangi. Selain itu pakaian akan sedik...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
NAPPIKLEEN Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash offers high quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. It is specially formulated to be gentle and safe ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
NAPPIKLEEN Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash offers high quality baby laundry detergent with affordable pricing. It is specially formulated to be gentle and safe ...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash

Received from my friend. Been using it as laundry detergent doesn’t irritate my eczema prone skin. , I like the mild scent. However if ur expose to more gr...

Nappikleen Anti Bacterial Liquid Wash
Received from my friend. Been using it as laundry detergent doesn’t irritate my eczema prone skin. , I like the mild scent. However if ur expose to more gr...