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Lady's Choice

Lady’s Choice, a trusted brand in Malaysia for many years, provides consumers with quality and superior-tasting products. Lady’s Choice champions the return of families to real food – away from the convenience of instant and artificial junk food. The goodness of real food comes from fresh wholesome ingredients. Lady’s Choice reminds mothers everywhere that nothing shows real love more than real food. Lady’s Choice is real food that is carefully prepared for the family.

Lady’s Choice, a trusted brand in Malaysia for many years, provides consumers with quality and superior-tasting products. Lady’s Choice champions the return of families to real food – away from the convenience of instant and artificial junk food. The goodness of real food comes from fresh wholesome ingredients. Lady’s Choice reminds mothers everywhere that nothing shows real love more than real food. Lady’s Choice is real food that is carefully prepared for the family.
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Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

This is the only brand my family is trusting at and always the first choice whenever buying mayonnaise. It tastes mild so very suitable for children, not v...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is the only brand my family is trusting at and always the first choice whenever buying mayonnaise. It tastes mild so very suitable for children, not v...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is my go to mayonnaise brand. I've never purchased any other brands. It's so thick and creamy, perfect for everything.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is my go to mayonnaise brand. I've never purchased any other brands. It's so thick and creamy, perfect for everything.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Antara mayonis yang terbaik dan rasa yang sedap. Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan antara produk yang patut ada disetiap rumah kerana penyediaannya sangat c...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Antara mayonis yang terbaik dan rasa yang sedap. Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan antara produk yang patut ada disetiap rumah kerana penyediaannya sangat c...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

i like this brand mayonnaise, bought many years already Versatile Usage: Ideal for use in dips, salads, sandwiches, and more

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
i like this brand mayonnaise, bought many years already Versatile Usage: Ideal for use in dips, salads, sandwiches, and more

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Dari kecil lagi kalau nak mayo tentu beli brand ni. Rasa konsisten sedap, tak terlalu muak, just night light kena rasa. Makan dengan roti kosong, roti with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Dari kecil lagi kalau nak mayo tentu beli brand ni. Rasa konsisten sedap, tak terlalu muak, just night light kena rasa. Makan dengan roti kosong, roti with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Alhamdulillah family sya mmg guna produk ni.. Sbb rasa dia yg enak,ank2x jugak mnyukai nya bila mkn dgn nugget ow burger.. Sgt rekomen..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Alhamdulillah family sya mmg guna produk ni.. Sbb rasa dia yg enak,ank2x jugak mnyukai nya bila mkn dgn nugget ow burger.. Sgt rekomen..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Saya sangat sukakan rasa mayonis sebenar Lady's Choice dengan tekstur krimnya yang pekat menambahkan kesedapan dalam setiap makanan saya. Memang sangat dis...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Saya sangat sukakan rasa mayonis sebenar Lady's Choice dengan tekstur krimnya yang pekat menambahkan kesedapan dalam setiap makanan saya. Memang sangat dis...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Memang wajib ada kat rumah! Favourite mak dan anak2, lagi2 makan dengan roti fuhhhh nikmat wehh 🤩😍❤️

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Memang wajib ada kat rumah! Favourite mak dan anak2, lagi2 makan dengan roti fuhhhh nikmat wehh 🤩😍❤️

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

*"A Must-Have in My Kitchen!"* I absolutely love *Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise*! The texture is perfectly creamy and smooth, making it a fantastic addi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
*"A Must-Have in My Kitchen!"* I absolutely love *Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise*! The texture is perfectly creamy and smooth, making it a fantastic addi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Tried many brand but the taste of this brand is better and not soury taste at the end of your palate like some other brands. Always mix with lemon and pinc...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Tried many brand but the taste of this brand is better and not soury taste at the end of your palate like some other brands. Always mix with lemon and pinc...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Mayonis ni wajib kena ada dekat rumah!!! Sedap makan mcm tu je 🤭🤭🤭 tapi biasanya saya akan buat burger roti dgn mayonis ni. Paling laris

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Mayonis ni wajib kena ada dekat rumah!!! Sedap makan mcm tu je 🤭🤭🤭 tapi biasanya saya akan buat burger roti dgn mayonis ni. Paling laris

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Rasa mayonis yang klasik dan istimewa. Sesuai dimakan untuk sandwich, salad dan cicahan. Jenama yang tidak asing lagi untuk ibu ibu dan sentiasa menjadi pi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa mayonis yang klasik dan istimewa. Sesuai dimakan untuk sandwich, salad dan cicahan. Jenama yang tidak asing lagi untuk ibu ibu dan sentiasa menjadi pi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Anak anak suka sangat. Buat sandwich letak mayonis ni. Sedap. Tak muak. Wajib ada dirumah

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Anak anak suka sangat. Buat sandwich letak mayonis ni. Sedap. Tak muak. Wajib ada dirumah

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
bit late to post! i used this product like forever. add taste to my food especially for salad good and delicious yummy

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
bit late to post! i used this product like forever. add taste to my food especially for salad good and delicious yummy

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Saya sukakan mayonis Lady's Choice sebab rasanya yang sedap & ianya menjadikan sapuan pada roti saya, makanan saya menjadi lebih enak & sedap..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Saya sukakan mayonis Lady's Choice sebab rasanya yang sedap & ianya menjadikan sapuan pada roti saya, makanan saya menjadi lebih enak & sedap..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Texture pekat, creamy, sesedap rasa. Anak suka bila ltk dlm sandwich, cicah fries

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Texture pekat, creamy, sesedap rasa. Anak suka bila ltk dlm sandwich, cicah fries

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Mayo jenama ni tak muak..sedap mkn dngn apa sahaja

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice mayonnaise will be my first choice when it comes to choose a mayo for making sandwiches and also for dips. Its soft fine creamy texture makes...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice mayonnaise will be my first choice when it comes to choose a mayo for making sandwiches and also for dips. Its soft fine creamy texture makes...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

This is the only brand my family is trusting at and always the first choice whenever buying mayonnaise. It tastes mild so very suitable for children, not v...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is the only brand my family is trusting at and always the first choice whenever buying mayonnaise. It tastes mild so very suitable for children, not v...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is my go to mayonnaise brand. I've never purchased any other brands. It's so thick and creamy, perfect for everything.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
This is my go to mayonnaise brand. I've never purchased any other brands. It's so thick and creamy, perfect for everything.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Antara mayonis yang terbaik dan rasa yang sedap. Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan antara produk yang patut ada disetiap rumah kerana penyediaannya sangat c...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Antara mayonis yang terbaik dan rasa yang sedap. Sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan antara produk yang patut ada disetiap rumah kerana penyediaannya sangat c...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

i like this brand mayonnaise, bought many years already Versatile Usage: Ideal for use in dips, salads, sandwiches, and more

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
i like this brand mayonnaise, bought many years already Versatile Usage: Ideal for use in dips, salads, sandwiches, and more

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Dari kecil lagi kalau nak mayo tentu beli brand ni. Rasa konsisten sedap, tak terlalu muak, just night light kena rasa. Makan dengan roti kosong, roti with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Dari kecil lagi kalau nak mayo tentu beli brand ni. Rasa konsisten sedap, tak terlalu muak, just night light kena rasa. Makan dengan roti kosong, roti with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Alhamdulillah family sya mmg guna produk ni.. Sbb rasa dia yg enak,ank2x jugak mnyukai nya bila mkn dgn nugget ow burger.. Sgt rekomen..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Alhamdulillah family sya mmg guna produk ni.. Sbb rasa dia yg enak,ank2x jugak mnyukai nya bila mkn dgn nugget ow burger.. Sgt rekomen..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Memang wajib ada kat rumah! Favourite mak dan anak2, lagi2 makan dengan roti fuhhhh nikmat wehh 🤩😍❤️

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Memang wajib ada kat rumah! Favourite mak dan anak2, lagi2 makan dengan roti fuhhhh nikmat wehh 🤩😍❤️

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

*"A Must-Have in My Kitchen!"* I absolutely love *Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise*! The texture is perfectly creamy and smooth, making it a fantastic addi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
*"A Must-Have in My Kitchen!"* I absolutely love *Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise*! The texture is perfectly creamy and smooth, making it a fantastic addi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Rasa mayonis yang klasik dan istimewa. Sesuai dimakan untuk sandwich, salad dan cicahan. Jenama yang tidak asing lagi untuk ibu ibu dan sentiasa menjadi pi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa mayonis yang klasik dan istimewa. Sesuai dimakan untuk sandwich, salad dan cicahan. Jenama yang tidak asing lagi untuk ibu ibu dan sentiasa menjadi pi...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Saya sukakan mayonis Lady's Choice sebab rasanya yang sedap & ianya menjadikan sapuan pada roti saya, makanan saya menjadi lebih enak & sedap..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Saya sukakan mayonis Lady's Choice sebab rasanya yang sedap & ianya menjadikan sapuan pada roti saya, makanan saya menjadi lebih enak & sedap..

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Texture pekat, creamy, sesedap rasa. Anak suka bila ltk dlm sandwich, cicah fries

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Texture pekat, creamy, sesedap rasa. Anak suka bila ltk dlm sandwich, cicah fries

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Saya selalu akan beli Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise untuk disapu dengan roti sebagai sandwich. Kadang kala akan goreng udang dan letak sekali dengan Lady's...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Saya selalu akan beli Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise untuk disapu dengan roti sebagai sandwich. Kadang kala akan goreng udang dan letak sekali dengan Lady's...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
my niece really like this mayonnaise.. they really like it

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
my niece really like this mayonnaise.. they really like it

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Lady’s choice is always my favourite mayonnaise. Every time I need mayonnaise, first thing will across in my heads is lady’s choice.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady’s choice is always my favourite mayonnaise. Every time I need mayonnaise, first thing will across in my heads is lady’s choice.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

My family has been using Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise for many years, enjoying it with bread, salads, and burgers. We love its thick, creamy, and silky te...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
My family has been using Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise for many years, enjoying it with bread, salads, and burgers. We love its thick, creamy, and silky te...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Lady's choice mayonnaise ini memang ia amat berselera apabila ia digunakan bersama-sama dengan sos keju untuk makanan seperti nugget, ayam goreng ataupun s...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice mayonnaise ini memang ia amat berselera apabila ia digunakan bersama-sama dengan sos keju untuk makanan seperti nugget, ayam goreng ataupun s...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Selalu guna Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise untuk salad serta campuran sos untuk anak-anak cicah ayam goreng ataupun kentang goreng. Rasa mayonnaise yang sed...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Selalu guna Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise untuk salad serta campuran sos untuk anak-anak cicah ayam goreng ataupun kentang goreng. Rasa mayonnaise yang sed...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I like this mayonnaise’s top up with sardine and spread on the bread.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I like this mayonnaise’s top up with sardine and spread on the bread.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

‼️ Mom's fav‼️ Korang kalau buat sandwich ke atau burger, kalau tak ada mayo mesti rasa kurang kan? Btw my mom suka gila dengan brand Lady's Choice. Dia ...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
‼️ Mom's fav‼️ Korang kalau buat sandwich ke atau burger, kalau tak ada mayo mesti rasa kurang kan? Btw my mom suka gila dengan brand Lady's Choice. Dia ...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

I recently tried Lady's Choice Mayonnaise, and it’s delicious! The creamy texture and balanced flavor make it perfect for sandwiches, salads, and dips. It’...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I recently tried Lady's Choice Mayonnaise, and it’s delicious! The creamy texture and balanced flavor make it perfect for sandwiches, salads, and dips. It’...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa yang masih sama sedap berlemak tidak terlalu masin dan manis just nice anak kecil sangat suka dan menjadi pencicah kegemaran mereka setiap hari

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa yang masih sama sedap berlemak tidak terlalu masin dan manis just nice anak kecil sangat suka dan menjadi pencicah kegemaran mereka setiap hari

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

My go to sauce when it comes to making salmon rice and seaweed. It has lots of preservatives and is rather sweet, good choice for a budget friendly opt...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
My go to sauce when it comes to making salmon rice and seaweed. It has lots of preservatives and is rather sweet, good choice for a budget friendly opt...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

saya rasa lady‘s choice masa ini berbeza dengan masa dahulu.. yang previous tu lagi sedap

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
saya rasa lady‘s choice masa ini berbeza dengan masa dahulu.. yang previous tu lagi sedap

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Tasty mayonnaise. Very creamy and thick. Does not become watery fast even on hot items. Not too salty

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Tasty mayonnaise. Very creamy and thick. Does not become watery fast even on hot items. Not too salty

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Goods products, nutrition facts, food safety. Mayonnaise goods

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Goods products, nutrition facts, food safety. Mayonnaise goods

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise which is creamy and thick, combination of salt and sweet make it easily to spice up my dishes. Delicious

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise which is creamy and thick, combination of salt and sweet make it easily to spice up my dishes. Delicious

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I feel that the good thing about LCM is very versatile. I can add it to my omelettes make it more fluffy, and it does! I can put it with my sandwich of cou...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I feel that the good thing about LCM is very versatile. I can add it to my omelettes make it more fluffy, and it does! I can put it with my sandwich of cou...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Sedap macam selalu, sesuai utk sandwich mudah kerja mak

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Sedap macam selalu, sesuai utk sandwich mudah kerja mak

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa yg sedap dan sangat berlemak, sedikit masam tapi tak hanyir, anak2 memang suka sangat, wajib ada setiap Kali hidangkan jemput2 atau fries or nugget, t...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Rasa yg sedap dan sangat berlemak, sedikit masam tapi tak hanyir, anak2 memang suka sangat, wajib ada setiap Kali hidangkan jemput2 atau fries or nugget, t...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I love using this brand and this brand only. Since I was a kid I use this brand almost everyday since I love eating egg sandwiches. It is perfect for sandw...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
I love using this brand and this brand only. Since I was a kid I use this brand almost everyday since I love eating egg sandwiches. It is perfect for sandw...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
delivers a delicious balanced taste, with the right creamy texture and consistency. it’s ideal for various applications such as a base for elaborated co...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
delivers a delicious balanced taste, with the right creamy texture and consistency. it’s ideal for various applications such as a base for elaborated co...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Lady's choice real mayo always tasted differ from other brands where 3 words would described it " CREAMY, SILKY, RICH". Goes well with anything except with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice real mayo always tasted differ from other brands where 3 words would described it " CREAMY, SILKY, RICH". Goes well with anything except with...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice so delicious, top 1 brand kesukaan keluarga Dan semua orang. The real mayonnaise, you guys patut beli.. thanks also to try& review give me to...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Lady's choice so delicious, top 1 brand kesukaan keluarga Dan semua orang. The real mayonnaise, you guys patut beli.. thanks also to try& review give me to...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

Ni je brand yg dipercayai Sedap buat sandwich Tekstur xcair sgt Rasa sedang2 #TryandReview #lady's choices

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Ni je brand yg dipercayai Sedap buat sandwich Tekstur xcair sgt Rasa sedang2 #TryandReview #lady's choices

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise

everytime buying a mayonnaise, we will choose Lady's Choice. love the taste, texture and balance of flavor.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
everytime buying a mayonnaise, we will choose Lady's Choice. love the taste, texture and balance of flavor.

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Love to use this mayo for my egg mayo sandwich. Creamy at the same time not too oily. Have been using lady's choice for a while now. Sometimes I also use t...

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise
Love to use this mayo for my egg mayo sandwich. Creamy at the same time not too oily. Have been using lady's choice for a while now. Sometimes I also use t...