Rexona Natural Whitening + Anti Stain Roll On Deodorant

4.7 186 ulasan
87% recommend this product!
Rexona Natural Whitening + Anti Stain Roll On Deodorant

Ulasan Ahli | 186

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The best anti stain deodorant
9 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Really loves the smells and how well it works. Deodorant can have such an annoying stains after used and it can makes your clothes ruined over time but this deodorant is one of the best anti stain. It works perfectly for someone who sweats a lot even in an air condition room. Sadly it is quite hard to find one it store now. Can only be purchase online. Hope that rexona will make it more easier to buy it

Really loves the smells and how well it works. Deodorant can have such an annoying stains after used and it can makes your clothes ruined over time but this deodorant is one of the best anti stain. It works perfectly for som... Baca Selanjutnya

Akan Menyarankan !
2 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Cepat meresap dan tidak melekit bila berpeluh.Berbaloi kalau beli.

Cepat meresap dan tidak melekit bila berpeluh.Berbaloi kalau beli.

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Anti Stain
2 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
This deodorant smells good and fresh. Doesn’t leave stains on clothes too. Whitening effect may need some time to see effect.

This deodorant smells good and fresh. Doesn’t leave stains on clothes too. Whitening effect may need some time to see effect.

Akan Menyarankan !
2 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Bau wangi sedap, tak melekit, cepat meresap. Tidak meninggalkan kesan di baju seperti yang diwar warkan di packaging. Whitening tu tak nampak maybe makan masa sikit.

Bau wangi sedap, tak melekit, cepat meresap. Tidak meninggalkan kesan di baju seperti yang diwar warkan di packaging. Whitening tu tak nampak maybe makan masa sikit.

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tiada bau badan
2 tahun lalu
Diterima percuma dari Try and Review
mungkin kulit saya tidak sesuai dengan brand rexona.pernah guna sekali itu pun dapat free dari try and review.not bad.bau pun wangi.

mungkin kulit saya tidak sesuai dengan brand rexona.pernah guna sekali itu pun dapat free dari try and review.not bad.bau pun wangi.

Akan Menyarankan !

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