Breeze Colour Care Cecair Cucian

4.6 28 ulasan
96% recommend this product!
Breeze Colour Care Cecair Cucian

Ulasan Ahli | 28

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Breeze Colour Care Liquid Detergent
1 month ago
Diterima sebagai hadiah di luar Try and Review
Washes greatly! Breeze was actually the 1st detergent in my life.. It comes is an economy pack too. I used to be a regular Breeze user however as age exposes me to many of life's reality, I am sad to have to say adios to this brand

Washes greatly! Breeze was actually the 1st detergent in my life.. It comes is an economy pack too. I used to be a regular Breeze user however as age exposes me to many of life's reality, I am sad to have to say adios to thi... Baca Selanjutnya

Would not recommend !
Colour Care Liquid Detergent
3 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Mengekal kn warna pakaian tak luntur..bau sangat wangi pakaian tidak bau hapak..saya mmg pengguna breeze liquid detergent

Mengekal kn warna pakaian tak luntur..bau sangat wangi pakaian tidak bau hapak..saya mmg pengguna breeze liquid detergent

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Bersih dan wangi
3 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Sabun yang bersih dan wangi..ianya tidak memudarkan warna baju dan memberi keserian pada baju..ia juga lembut pada tangan

Sabun yang bersih dan wangi..ianya tidak memudarkan warna baju dan memberi keserian pada baju..ia juga lembut pada tangan

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Colour Care Cecair Cucian
3 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Dapat mengekalkan warna baju. Bau yang wangi tahan lama seta tidak berbau hapak. Berbaloi sangat sebab murah tahan isian lebih banyak dan botol besar. Kegunaan utk sesi keluarga

Dapat mengekalkan warna baju. Bau yang wangi tahan lama seta tidak berbau hapak. Berbaloi sangat sebab murah tahan isian lebih banyak dan botol besar. Kegunaan utk sesi keluarga

Akan Menyarankan !
Breeze colour care liquid detergent
3 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Apparently i try to shift from laundry powder detergent to laundry liquid detergent due to make comparison between cleanliness and effectiveness. As a result the product prove that it really worth it.

Apparently i try to shift from laundry powder detergent to laundry liquid detergent due to make comparison between cleanliness and effectiveness. As a result the product prove that it really worth it.

Akan Menyarankan !


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