Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse And Shape

4.6 6 ulasan
100% recommend this product!
Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse And Shape

Ulasan Ahli | 6

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Cleans & detox body
3 months ago
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Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse and Shape can cleans and detox our body and help in digestion. It is free from sugar, preservatives and artificial ingredients.

Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse and Shape can cleans and detox our body and help in digestion. It is free from sugar, preservatives and artificial ingredients.

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Berkesan menurukan berat badan
9 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Saya telah mengamalkan wellness smooth'd cleanse and shape dalam masa sebulan, berat dari 75kg turun sebanyak 70kg. Rasa yang sedap dan pastikan minum air kosong yang banyak.

Saya telah mengamalkan wellness smooth'd cleanse and shape dalam masa sebulan, berat dari 75kg turun sebanyak 70kg. Rasa yang sedap dan pastikan minum air kosong yang banyak.

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1 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Been consumed this products for quite some time. It really helps to detoxify the toxins from body with a natural high fiber ingredients which is good and healthy. I personally notice that my acne has been reduced, I sweating a lot and I experience inch loss.

Been consumed this products for quite some time. It really helps to detoxify the toxins from body with a natural high fiber ingredients which is good and healthy. I personally notice that my acne has been reduced, I sweating... Baca Selanjutnya

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1 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse & Beauty sedap diminum dan berfungsi untuk membersihkan tubuh. Saat racun dikeluarkan, tubuh Anda akan berfungsi lebih baik dari sebelumnya - membuat Anda merasa ringan dan sehat! Selepas minum produk ini, kesihatan dan kecantikan kulit diri saya meningkat. Perut menjadi datar, kulit lebih jernih, berat badan menurun.

Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth'D Cleanse & Beauty sedap diminum dan berfungsi untuk membersihkan tubuh. Saat racun dikeluarkan, tubuh Anda akan berfungsi lebih baik dari sebelumnya - membuat Anda merasa ringan dan sehat! ... Baca Selanjutnya

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Good shape
3 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
It is formulated to reduce weight in natural way. It is made of safe and natural ingredients that helps to achieve weight loss. It is convenient to take and the price is pretty good.

It is formulated to reduce weight in natural way. It is made of safe and natural ingredients that helps to achieve weight loss. It is convenient to take and the price is pretty good.

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