Mars Célébrations Mixed Chocolates

4.7 6 ulasan
100% recommend this product!
Mars Célébrations Mixed Chocolates

Ulasan Ahli | 6

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Sesuai diberi hadiah atau dimakan sendiri
1 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Suka beli yang ni. Ada macam-macam sesuai nak bagi gift.

Suka beli yang ni. Ada macam-macam sesuai nak bagi gift.

Akan Menyarankan !
2 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Sed choc ni.sbb dye cmpur mcm² jenis choc.ada choc kelapa juga.

Sed choc ni.sbb dye cmpur mcm² jenis choc.ada choc kelapa juga.

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Suit whole family preferences
3 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Mixed of chocolates while i love because i can share with the whole family. My personal favourite is twix. Definitely best choice to buy during festive

Mixed of chocolates while i love because i can share with the whole family. My personal favourite is twix. Definitely best choice to buy during festive

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chocolate sedap
3 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
coklat yang sangat digemari seisi keluarga kerana pelbagai perisa.

coklat yang sangat digemari seisi keluarga kerana pelbagai perisa.

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Treats for celebrations
4 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Bite size chocolate snacks that are super addictive! Whether its milk chocolate, caramel, coconut or nut fillings, there's definitely something suitable for everyone of all ages! Highly recommend treating guest to these great treats during festive celebrations!

Bite size chocolate snacks that are super addictive! Whether its milk chocolate, caramel, coconut or nut fillings, there's definitely something suitable for everyone of all ages! Highly recommend treating guest to these grea... Baca Selanjutnya

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