Lipton Lipton English Breakfast

4.7 112 ulasan
97% recommend this product!
Lipton Lipton English Breakfast

Ulasan Ahli | 112

Tapis Ulasan

Tea time
2 months ago
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Teh yang menyegarkan. Boleh dinikmati tak kira masa. Panas boleh sejuk pun boleh,tambah ais saja. Sesiapa pengemar Black tea harus mencuba Lipton English Breakfast.

Teh yang menyegarkan. Boleh dinikmati tak kira masa. Panas boleh sejuk pun boleh,tambah ais saja. Sesiapa pengemar Black tea harus mencuba Lipton English Breakfast.

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Lipton tea
2 months ago
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Serius mmg suka aroma Lipton English breakfast ni...buat teh o pun rasa kena...biasa sy Tak berapa suka teh pakai uncang teh liton yg ni mmg suka.. approved

Serius mmg suka aroma Lipton English breakfast ni...buat teh o pun rasa kena...biasa sy Tak berapa suka teh pakai uncang teh liton yg ni mmg suka.. approved

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segar Dan tenang
3 months ago
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teh ni best,bau wangi dan badan rasa segar dapat minum teh panas2 time2 sejuk hujan ni..wajib diminum setiap hari,pagi petang Dan malam.

teh ni best,bau wangi dan badan rasa segar dapat minum teh panas2 time2 sejuk hujan ni..wajib diminum setiap hari,pagi petang Dan malam.

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budget-friendly option
3 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Lipton English Breakfast is a popular choice for a classic black tea experience. It offers a bold and robust flavor that's perfect for starting your day

Lipton English Breakfast is a popular choice for a classic black tea experience. It offers a bold and robust flavor that's perfect for starting your day

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Start New Day With Tea
3 months ago
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My morning start with Lipton English Breakfast to boost my energy.

My morning start with Lipton English Breakfast to boost my energy.

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