Freedom Cosmetics Whispers Pro Lipstick

5 5 ulasan
100% recommend this product!
Freedom Cosmetics Whispers Pro Lipstick

Ulasan Ahli | 5

Tapis Ulasan

cantik menawan
4 months ago
Dibeli oleh pengulas
warna yang cantik, sesuai untuk kulit pucat, bibir nampak mungkir dan berseri-seri bila pakai.

warna yang cantik, sesuai untuk kulit pucat, bibir nampak mungkir dan berseri-seri bila pakai.

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Paling gemar
6 tahun lalu
Dibeli oleh pengulas
Suka dgn warna2nye..sekali pakai tidak Perkd tochup lg..senang cuci..I like

Suka dgn warna2nye..sekali pakai tidak Perkd tochup lg..senang cuci..I like

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Be Lovely With LIPSTICK
7 tahun lalu
Diterima percuma dari Try and Review
I love lipstick, I use it every day, lipstick make me look beautiful and more comfortable with anything. I love to collect lipsticks, and after I use it, it makes me feel wonderful. It was wonderful day.

I love lipstick, I use it every day, lipstick make me look beautiful and more comfortable with anything. I love to collect lipsticks, and after I use it, it makes me feel wonderful. It was wonderful day.

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Produk yg sgt bagus
7 tahun lalu
Diterima percuma dari Try and Review
Lipstik yg berkualiti sgt bagus ramai pengguna yg berpuas ati.. Mmg terbaik produk yg disukai ramai

Lipstik yg berkualiti sgt bagus ramai pengguna yg berpuas ati.. Mmg terbaik produk yg disukai ramai

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One of my favorite lipstick
7 tahun lalu
Diterima sebagai hadiah di luar Try and Review
For cosmetic lovers out there.. I highly recommend this! Its really easy to apply and you dont have to worry if its dry off because it has that buttery that keep it moisture on your lips. I love the color! And it's definitely easy to wipe off .

For cosmetic lovers out there.. I highly recommend this! Its really easy to apply and you dont have to worry if its dry off because it has that buttery that keep it moisture on your lips. I love the color! And it's definite... Baca Selanjutnya

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