Grab Green Stoneworks, Dryer Sheets, Rain, 80 Compostable Sheets
- Grab Green
- Laundry
- IDR 187,345.00
Fragrance FreeMore Than 97% Naturally-Derived IngredientsFree of Wax, Animal Fat & DyesSoftens FabricsReduces Static-ClingReduces WrinklesFreshens ClothingNo Animal TestingBeautifully Simple Home Care ProductsSheet Size: 6.4" x 9" (16.3 cm x 22.8 cm)It's not about what you remove, but what you add as well... As a mother of two lovely ladies and two furry four-legged doggies, having a safe and healthy environment has always been my top priority. I've worked hands-on with small teams of artisan chemists and botanical experts to craft Grab Green's eco-responsible and non-toxic formulas to not only be effective, but offer a truly unique experience. These dryer sheets make a perfect companion to our Stoneworks Rain Laundry Detergent Pods and will enhance your clothing with a soft, fragrance free dry. So go Clean on Some Love, and let us know how we can make your cleaning experience even better!- Patricia Spencer: Co-founder, President & MotherTrue Transparency: we want you to know what's inside and whyGrab Green has a complete collection of plant & mineral-based home care products!

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