Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium
- Doctor's Best
- Vitamin & Suplemen
- 120 tablets
- 100mg
Doctor's Best Magnesium provides a daily dose of high-absorption magnesium without gastrointestinal distress.
This superior formula with 100% chelated lysinate glycinate magnesium absorbs effectively to support muscle relaxation and optimum nerve function.
- Supports muscle relaxation and restful sleep
- Essential in 300 enzyme systems that support biochemical functions
- Up to 6x better absorbed than other forms of magnesium
4.8 Efficacy
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Suplemen Andalan
9 hari yang laluSuplement Magnesium ini cocok banget buat sy pekerja kantoran kalau abis lembur/ perjalanan dinas. DIminum malam hari sebelum tidur pasti bikin tidur nyenyak, badan rileks, dan saat bangun ngga kerasa capek. Isinya banyak ja... Baca lebih lanjut
- Usia : 32 tahun
- Skin concern : Uneven skin tone|Fine Lines & Wrinkles|Pores|Textured skin|Sensitive|Dark spots
Sangat baik
7 months agoAku udah minum magnesium ini hampir 6 bulan dan membantu banget untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhku.
Mengatasi rasa lelah setelah kerja seharian
8 months agoBuat pekerja kantoran yang tiap ahri musti lembur, capek, kena macet, masih urus anak dan rumah tangga, perlu banget supplement magnesium ini. Biasa aku minum di malam hari sebelum tidur, bisa bikin tubuh rileks, tidur pulas... Baca lebih lanjut
11 months agoan essential dietary mineral, magnesium plays many important roles which include: helping cells produce metabolic energy, supporting optimum nerve function, helping muscles relax properly and maintaining a healthy heartbeat
Bagus banget
11 months agoIbukku selalu konsumsi Bagus banget sih ini Top banget
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