QV Dermcare

QV Dermcare

QV Dermcare 醫學濕疹系列 (Ceramides) 經臨床實證,舒緩極乾燥痕癢皮膚*。科研配方蘊含Ceramides及保濕因子,能滋潤、修護及強化皮膚屏障。

* Spada F, Harrison IP, Barnes TM, Greive KA, Daniels D, Townley JP et al. A daily regimen of a ceramide-dominant moisturizing cream and cleanser restores the skin permeability barrier in adults with moderate eczema: A randomized trial. Dermatol Ther. 2021; 34(4):e14970. 

QV Dermcare

QV Dermcare 醫學濕疹系列 (Ceramides) 經臨床實證,舒緩極乾燥痕癢皮膚*。科研配方蘊含Ceramides及保濕因子,能滋潤、修護及強化皮膚屏障。

* Spada F, Harrison IP, Barnes TM, Greive KA, Daniels D, Townley JP et al. A daily regimen of a ceramide-dominant moisturizing cream and cleanser restores the skin permeability barrier in adults with moderate eczema: A randomized trial. Dermatol Ther. 2021; 34(4):e14970. 
