How it works
At Try and Review, we promote authentic reviews because we want to help consumers make the best buying decisions. Whether your experience was positive or poor, we encourage members to exercise complete honesty.
At Try and Review, we promote authentic reviews because we want to help consumers make the best buying decisions. Whether your experience was positive or poor, we encourage members to exercise complete honesty.

How can we help?
Search below or select one of the main groups to find answers to all your questions about Try & Review.
Sign-up/ Account
Do I have to be a product tester to review products? Or can I review products I purchased in the past?+-
You are free to write about any products and you do not need to be a product tester to write a review on our website. You can start writing your first review today! All you need to do is sign up to be a Member, which everyone can do because it’s free and easy so join here:Join Now
How do I become a product tester in my country?+-
To apply to be a product tester, first, you’ll need to become a member which is easy and free to do, register here. If you’re already signed up, welcome! You can browse ongoing tests while being logged into your account. Afterwards, it’s really easy to apply for a product trial, just click apply to complete the application form for any product test you are interested in. You'll be notified via email of if you get selected!Join Now
Do you pay your product testers?+-
We do not pay our product testers to test or leave feedback for products and we do not charge our product testers for delivery. At Try & Review, you receive real products from brands to try & evaluate them honestly and it's completely free!
What is the Ambassador program? Do you have an influencer program?+-
Try & Review has an Ambassador/ Influencer program which anyone can apply to! Show your sparkle in your application for a chance to join and enjoy the additional perks. You can find out more here:Ambassador Program
How do I report a bug or problem I'm facing?+-
We do our very best to ensure maximum uptime and a smooth experience for our community users, however to do so we sometimes need to implement website updates, and occasionally face temporary issues. If you've noticed a problem or are facing issues you can reach out to us here:Contact Us
How do I reset my password?+-
If you forgot your password, no worries, it happens to the best of us! Follow these few steps: 1- Click on "Forgot your password?" on the login/registration page. 2- Enter your email and follow the procedure to get a new password. 3- Once you have the correct password, just sign in! If you still cannot reset your password, please ask for some help here:Contact Us
How do I unsubscribe from emails?+-
We do our best to respect and honor our subscribers' desire to receive our content. To stop receiving our emails simply open the last one sent to you a click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom. Note: There are separate email subscriptions for different communication types such as the Monthly Newsletter, and Test Announcements you can unsubscribe from. Some emails are in response to your actions such as applying for a test are considered transactional and therefore will not have an "unsubscribe" link. To stop receiving these emails you will need to deactivate your account and leave Try&Review's community.
Why do my emails show the wrong number of reviews?+-
We will send you emails occasionally which will state the number of published reviews you've written over the last 12 months. Please keep in mind that this number is accurate only at the time of send, and does not account for reviews you have submitted but have not yet been published, which can result in unexpected numbers, rest assured your reviews will be published as long as they follow our guidelines.
How can I delete my account altogether? (Forget my information)+-
Oh no! We're sad to hear you've come to this decision. Please note that "Account Deletion" is irreversible and that you won't be able to recover this data later on nor to reactivate your account. Review content and ratings submitted on the platform will remain anonymized to keep delivering our products and services to users and clients and for the platform's usage analytics purposes. Try and Review disclaims any responsibility towards a Member or any third party as a result of the closing of an account. Personal Data deleted will be disposed of in a manner that protects the privacy of Personal Data appropriately.Contact Us
Why was my review rejected/ deleted?+-
The most common reason for rejection of a review is that it was a duplicate and as a result was removed to maintain the accuracy of our results. Transparency and fairness are essential to us, and we believe this action ensures the integrity of our platform. Less commonly we might receive reviews that do not follow our guidelines to prevent use of inappropriate language, or the review is focused on the delivery issues rather than the product itself for example. You can check the full guidelines here:Review Guidelines
I’m writing my first review. What should I include in it?+-
Hooray! Thanks for taking the first step in sharing your valuable opinion. You can find everything you need to write an amazing review by reading our tips here:Tips to write a review
When will my review be published?+-
You submitted your review and can't wait to share it with the community? That's awesome! It might not be published immediately but don’t worry, it will be published once our team approves it. Your Review is going through some verifications to ensure that it follows our guidelines to maintain the integrity of our website and friendly community.
I can't find a product on your website, how can I add a new product?+-
That’s a great question! It is super easy to add a new product. Just direct yourself toward the bottom of the page and click on Contact Us. You can then submit a request to add a product to our page and our support team will address your request. (Please share as much information as possible on each product. You can also share a link to the product from a local store!)
How do I submit a review?+-
We take pride in making it easy and enjoyable to write reviews on our platform. It always starts from a product, so find the product page by browsing the site or the mobile app (you can also scann the product barcode if you are using the app), and click "Post a Review". Of ccourse you'll need to be a member of the community, if not you can join for free today!Join Now
Why was my review rejected/ deleted?+-
The most common reason for rejection of a review is that it was a duplicate and as a result was removed to maintain the accuracy of our results. Transparency and fairness are essential to us, and we believe this action ensures the integrity of our platform. Less commonly we might receive reviews that do not follow our guidelines to prevent use of inappropriate language, or the review is focused on the delivery issues rather than the product itself for example. You can check the full guidelines here:Review Guidelines
Product Testing
Do I have to be a product tester to review products? Or can I review products I purchased in the past?+-
You are free to write about any products and you do not need to be a product tester to write a review on our website. You can start writing your first review today! All you need to do is sign up to be a Member, which everyone can do because it’s free and easy so join here:Join Now
How do I become a product tester in my country?+-
To apply to be a product tester, first, you’ll need to become a member which is easy and free to do, register here. If you’re already signed up, welcome! You can browse ongoing tests while being logged into your account. Afterwards, it’s really easy to apply for a product trial, just click apply to complete the application form for any product test you are interested in. You'll be notified via email of if you get selected!Join Now
Do you pay your product testers?+-
We do not pay our product testers to test or leave feedback for products and we do not charge our product testers for delivery. At Try & Review, you receive real products from brands to try & evaluate them honestly and it's completely free!
How do I know if I have been selected for a test?+-
If you are selected for a product trial, we will inform you when your product will be delivered to you via email. So don’t forget to check your mailbox! NOTE: Please ensure your delivery address and phone number are up to date in your profile.
How do you select product testers?+-
Product testers are selected among a pool of applicants based on the number of free products available and profiling criteria that are required by the brand. Try&Review will always prioritize active members who regularly contribute to the community with reviews.
How can I increase my chances of getting selected as a product tester?+-
We try our best to involve as many product testers as possible but sometimes we don’t have enough products for everyone. To increase your chances of being selected for our next product trial: Be sure to complete all the information fields on your profile, and stay engaged. Write reviews as often as possible for products you have already tried, we recommend a minimum of 3 in the last 12 months!
When will I receive my test product?+-
Once selected you should receive your product within 7 days of shipment. If your shipment has not arrived after 14 days, please reach out to us here and we will try our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible:Contact Us
Will the free product come delivered as the original one found in stores?+-
The size or the quantity of the free product samples is determined by the brand we partner with for the product trial. Your product will come delivered most often in original size and occasionally “sample” size, either way it is yours to keep!
What is the Ambassador program? Do you have an influencer program?+-
Try & Review has an Ambassador/ Influencer program which anyone can apply to! Show your sparkle in your application for a chance to join and enjoy the additional perks. You can find out more here:Ambassador Program
How do I report a bug or problem I'm facing?+-
We do our very best to ensure maximum uptime and a smooth experience for our community users, however to do so we sometimes need to implement website updates, and occasionally face temporary issues. If you've noticed a problem or are facing issues you can reach out to us here:Contact Us
Do I need to pay for shipping?+-
If you have been selected as a tester, you will receive the item Free of Charge, including delivery! The only thing we ask in exchange is for you to write an honest review on our website after the trial. Note: Occasionally we run "buy and refund" campaigns, which might require you to purchase the product online, pay for the product and shipping and claim your refund. In such cases the refund amount will cover both the product and delivery fee.
What is a "Buy & Refund" campaign?+-
Occasionally, we will be asked by our partner brands to run a "Buy & Refund" campaign. This requires the selected members to purchase the product themselves from the listed channel. In such cases Try & Review will issue a full refund including the shipping costs to the member upon completion of the mission agreed to upon application to that campaign.
When will I get my refund?+-
If you've participated in a "Buy & Refund" campaign, the refunds are issued at the end of the campaign once members have completed their campaign mission. Note: We always do our best to ensure these are processed in a timely manner and we will notify you once completed. Please rest assured that you will be refunded for your purchase as long as you can provide the required information such as proof of purchase and your review.Contact Us
Why are there no product tests in my country?+-
This happens from time to time. Our team is hard at work to find partner brands to run new product tests for all of our countries of operation. Rest assured we will do our best to provide you a notification as soon as a relevant product test is available in your country. You can also follow our social channels where we announce product test as soon as available:T&R on Facebook
About Us
What is Try & Review?+-
Try & Review is an internationally recognized source for genuine consumer reviews covering over 30K products in 12 categories: Beauty, Personal Care, Skin Care, Hair Care, Fragrance, Bath & Body, Health, Home, Baby, Food, Pets, and Electronics. Try & Review focuses on our consumer-driven community that benefits both the consumer and the brands through product testing and review sharing. You can learn more about us here:About Us
Where is Try & Review based?+-
Try & Review is based in Singapore and operates in 17 countries! Countries we cover include Singapore, Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Are there Job Opportunities at T&R?+-
We're excited to hear from you! Our employees live and breath by product reviews, and we welcome likeminded applicants. Try & Review will regularly add new Job Opportunities to the dedicated Careers & Jobs page here: Career & Jobs
Is my data safe and protected, what is the privacy policy?+-
We value your privacy and do our utmost to abide by the most secure and reliable methods of handling your data. You can find the details of our Privacy Policy here:Privacy Policy
What are the general terms and conditions?+-
Try & Review is all about having fun reviewing products. We do nonetheless have our full Terms & Conditions available directly from the footer of our site, here is the link: Terms & Conditions
For Brands
I represent a brand and want my products to be listed on the Try and Review website. How can we collaborate?+-
Great, we’re excited to hear from you. Please visit or use this contact form to reach out to us.Contact Us