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Pig Nose Clear Black Head 3-Step Kit
這個黑頭貼是我定期會使用的產品,因為可以協助在家簡單做到深層清潔。 不過記謹一定要跟清楚說明上的先後次序,不要調亂。

Pig Nose Clear Black Head 3-Step Kit
這個黑頭貼是我定期會使用的產品,因為可以協助在家簡單做到深層清潔。 不過記謹一定要跟清楚說明上的先後次序,不要調亂。

Liquid Blush 液體胭脂
Nars Hong Kong的Liquid Blush液體胭脂是一款出色的產品,質地輕盈且易於推開,能夠完美融入肌膚。它的顏色非常自然,給人一種健康的紅潤感,持久性也相當理想,即使經過一整天也不容易脫妝。色彩選擇豐富,無論是淡雅的日常妝容還是鮮明的晚妝,都能輕鬆應對。此外,這款胭脂還具有輕微的光澤感,為肌膚增...

Liquid Blush 液體胭脂
Nars Hong Kong的Liquid Blush液體胭脂是一款出色的產品,質地輕盈且易於推開,能夠完美融入肌膚。它的顏色非常自然,給人一種健康的紅潤感,持久性也相當理想,即使經過一整天也不容易脫妝。色彩選擇豐富,無論是淡雅的日常妝容還是鮮明的晚妝,都能輕鬆應對。此外,這款胭脂還具有輕微的光澤感,為肌膚增...

LINDT Teddy Bear Milk

Taste good & price not too expensive! LINDT quality as good as always

LINDT Teddy Bear Milk
Taste good & price not too expensive! LINDT quality as good as always

Célébrations Mixed Chocolates

Taste good!! But if less sweetness will be much better

LINDT Lindor Assorted
Assorted chocolates and taste, package with glass color wrap, creamy and smoothy in my mouth, yummy

LINDT Lindor Assorted
Assorted chocolates and taste, package with glass color wrap, creamy and smoothy in my mouth, yummy

SK-II 護膚精華 75ml
前排少搽面霜 ,脫皮又紅 棉花濕敷好幫手,15-20分鐘潤下先 質地唔笠 5怕擦子膠碎 吸收能力強,你會睇到皮膚光澤度明顯提升

Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot

Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot

Le Rose Perfecto Lip Balm
It keeps my lip shining and soft. In love with the colour .

Sugarfree Peppermint Mints
I like the peppermint mint’s flavour. Very refreshing and delicious.

Sugarfree Peppermint Mints
I like the peppermint mint’s flavour. Very refreshing and delicious.

Diaper Rash Cream Fragrance Free
I use it for my baby rashes and it was miracle cure for his skin.

Diaper Rash Cream Fragrance Free
I use it for my baby rashes and it was miracle cure for his skin.

Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Foundation

Easy to blend, won't cling to dry patches. Giving a blurred finish, medium coverage and buildable.

Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Foundation
Easy to blend, won't cling to dry patches. Giving a blurred finish, medium coverage and buildable.

QV Dermcare Daily Cream with Ceramides
質地清爽, 但可能香港天氣關係都有些少油膩 本身皮膚容易過敏, 用後亦無過敏, 非常運和 整體算幾好

Ferrero Rocher
This product is a 10 out of 10. It is well packaged and has a very good taste! The chocolate tastes premium and has a small nut in the middle of it. A box ...

Ferrero Rocher
This product is a 10 out of 10. It is well packaged and has a very good taste! The chocolate tastes premium and has a small nut in the middle of it. A box ...

Sugarfree Peppermint Mints
It works well as a mint, it tastes good and works well! It is well-packaged and soothing for the mouth. I would recommend it to anyone interested!

Sugarfree Peppermint Mints
It works well as a mint, it tastes good and works well! It is well-packaged and soothing for the mouth. I would recommend it to anyone interested!

Panadol Extra With Optizors
I think Panadol is very helpful, it helped me with headaches and pain from a cold. I would definitely recommend it to someone who easily gets sick or is al...

Panadol Extra With Optizors
I think Panadol is very helpful, it helped me with headaches and pain from a cold. I would definitely recommend it to someone who easily gets sick or is al...

#親和零皂純天然潔面啫喱 #Simple親膚清爽潔面啫喱 早幾日先熱到一個點,尋日就話係香港有史以來五月最凍的一日~ 夏天剛岩開始,氣溫竟然會低過17度呀!! 天氣變化真係好大!! 皮膚好壞真係好受天氣所影響~加上面部皮膚經常被口罩所遮蓋著~ 真係好易出油脂粒或者暗瘡~~所以清潔肌膚真好重要~ 最近用咗 #英國製造 的Simple親膚清爽...
Try and Review員工的心水推介︰根據肌膚類型揀選最喜歡的洗面乳液
濕敏是非常普遍的皮膚問題之一。濕疹可能會出現在身體的任何部位,令皮膚紅腫和強烈痕癢。我們與Try and Review的市場部團隊Jing Hui在這個題目上促膝長談後,她與我們分享了一些舒緩濕敏的護膚產品。 以下是與Jing Hui的訪...
舒敏膚系列︱全方位內外夾擊,告別濕敏肌: 4.1/5用家評為可信賴和可靠!
現今很多人處理濕敏問題時,都會先尋求特效藥,希望可以快速止癢,而這些藥物,可能會令人造成依賴。所以,從中醫角度出發修復濕敏肌膚漸漸多人採用。 甘草、薏苡仁、土茯苓、蒺藜、紫蘇葉、土槿皮是中醫推薦的6大中藥成份有助祛除濕熱毒,真正治標治本,...