Etude House Etude House 3-Step Clear Nose Kit

4.6 1 review 100% recommend this product!
Etude House Etude House 3-Step Clear Nose Kit

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Really effective <3
4 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
It was my first time trying on a nose strip that has three steps in it so I had high expectations before buying this product. I usually bought Etude House’s face masks so I just jumped right into buying their 3-Step Clear Nose Kit as well because my skin needs some serious amping up, especially after a long week of exams. And the fact that my nose has been breaking out so bad was enough of a reason to also buy this nose kit. During trying the product, I noticed the easy instructions and applications albeit the overwhelming steps, it was pretty easy. Omg after this treatment, I visibly noticed that my pesky clogged pores were no longer such! Like, it was clean and smooth looking and up close, I could no longer spot my prominent blackheads anymore. The rough tip of my nose and on the sides were smoothened out. It did make my nose a little red, which is given as I have sensitive skin as well as oily skin (//Combined skin). Of course it did not magically remove my milia (it’s like a deep-seated whitehead) but nonetheless, it was pretty effective!

Would recommend !


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