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Vision Care
The eyes are a delicate and sensitive part of your body, which is why your eyes need extra care and the products used on your eyes should also be selective. Vision care includes contact lenses, eyeglasses care, eye drops and lubricants that are good for your vision.
From here, you can find reviews about these products to help you with your purchasing decision. Tried a product before? Leave a review and help others with their purchase too!

Cuaca panas membuatkan mata kurang selesa setelah menggunkan produk ini mata lebih selesa dan penglihatan kelihatan lebih jelas.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.

Cationorm UD Eye Drop

Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...

Cationorm UD Eye Drop
Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...


I am a person that sits infront of my PC for at least 6 hours a day and my eyes often feels dry and itchy. I always have this eyes drop on standby on my wo...

I got dry eyes.. so i always used this and it help to moisten my eyes.. will always had one with me..

Very good. My dry eyes instantly feel better after applying this. Wonderful!

im having sensitive eyes.eye glo always make my eyes look moist and fresh.really worth it


Eye Glo Plus ini sangat memuaskan, ia memberikan kesan yang baik selepas menggunanya. Mata akan lebih lembap, jelas, dan yang paling penting menenangkan. L...


Jenama Eye Glo merupakan pilihan utama saya setiap kali mahu menggunakan penitis mata. Eye Glo Plus saya pakai untuk melegakan sakit mata kemerahan jika ma...


Saya memakai ketika mata tidak merasa selesa selepas pemakaian contact lens , ia amat mebantu dan mengurang kemerahan pada mata


Saya pernah beberapa kali memcuba EYE DROP daripada jenama EYE GLO. Saya akan menggunakannya terutamanya apabila saya memakai contact lens. Saya menggunaka...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...

Cuaca panas membuatkan mata kurang selesa setelah menggunkan produk ini mata lebih selesa dan penglihatan kelihatan lebih jelas.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.


I am a person that sits infront of my PC for at least 6 hours a day and my eyes often feels dry and itchy. I always have this eyes drop on standby on my wo...

im having sensitive eyes.eye glo always make my eyes look moist and fresh.really worth it


Eye Glo Plus ini sangat memuaskan, ia memberikan kesan yang baik selepas menggunanya. Mata akan lebih lembap, jelas, dan yang paling penting menenangkan. L...


Saya memakai ketika mata tidak merasa selesa selepas pemakaian contact lens , ia amat mebantu dan mengurang kemerahan pada mata

Very good. My dry eyes instantly feel better after applying this. Wonderful!


Jenama Eye Glo merupakan pilihan utama saya setiap kali mahu menggunakan penitis mata. Eye Glo Plus saya pakai untuk melegakan sakit mata kemerahan jika ma...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...

I got dry eyes.. so i always used this and it help to moisten my eyes.. will always had one with me..


Saya pernah beberapa kali memcuba EYE DROP daripada jenama EYE GLO. Saya akan menggunakannya terutamanya apabila saya memakai contact lens. Saya menggunaka...

Cationorm UD Eye Drop

Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...

Cationorm UD Eye Drop
Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...

Cationorm UD Eye Drop

Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...

Cationorm UD Eye Drop
Recommended!! I have been using Cationorm UD Eye Drops for a while now, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my dry and irritated eyes. As some...

I got dry eyes.. so i always used this and it help to moisten my eyes.. will always had one with me..


Saya pernah beberapa kali memcuba EYE DROP daripada jenama EYE GLO. Saya akan menggunakannya terutamanya apabila saya memakai contact lens. Saya menggunaka...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...

This works great under makeup! It works more like a filler on my skin. It fills the fine lines so less creasing appears after I apply my makeup. It’s very ...


Jenama Eye Glo merupakan pilihan utama saya setiap kali mahu menggunakan penitis mata. Eye Glo Plus saya pakai untuk melegakan sakit mata kemerahan jika ma...

Very good. My dry eyes instantly feel better after applying this. Wonderful!

Cuaca panas membuatkan mata kurang selesa setelah menggunkan produk ini mata lebih selesa dan penglihatan kelihatan lebih jelas.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Saya mempunyai mata kering dan sensitif. Saya juga suka memakai lens berbanding kaca mata. Eye drop dari Santen sangat serasi dengan mata saya dan tidak me...

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop

Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.

Hialid 0.1 Eye Drop
Trusted and reliable product. Soothes and moisturises eyes instantly with just a few drops.


I am a person that sits infront of my PC for at least 6 hours a day and my eyes often feels dry and itchy. I always have this eyes drop on standby on my wo...

im having sensitive eyes.eye glo always make my eyes look moist and fresh.really worth it


Eye Glo Plus ini sangat memuaskan, ia memberikan kesan yang baik selepas menggunanya. Mata akan lebih lembap, jelas, dan yang paling penting menenangkan. L...


Saya memakai ketika mata tidak merasa selesa selepas pemakaian contact lens , ia amat mebantu dan mengurang kemerahan pada mata