Simple Skincare Protect 'N' Glow Vitamin C Glow Facial Wash

4.4 115 reviews
87% recommend this product!
Simple Skincare Protect 'N' Glow Vitamin C Glow Facial Wash

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Pencuci muka dari alam semula jadi!
20 days ago
Received for free from Try and Review
Saya telah mencuba selama seminggu berturut-turut, diawal masa percubaan ia memang nampak perubahan dan saya rasa ia sangat okay. Tetapi setelah 2 minggu saya mencuba saya dapati kulit diwajah saya telah dinaiki jerawat kecil dan juga ada rasa kepedihan dimuka jadi saya pilih untuk berhenti seketika daripada memakai produk jenama ini. Selepas itu saya menggunakan produk ini semula dan alhamdulillah kini wajah saya bebas dari jerawat dan kepedihan dimuka dan ia nampak banyak perbezaan sebelum dan selepas menggunakannya. Jadi saya sarankan kelada yang ingin mencuba anda wajib try produk ini. Saya amat mengesyorkan.

Saya telah mencuba selama seminggu berturut-turut, diawal masa percubaan ia memang nampak perubahan dan saya rasa ia sangat okay. Tetapi setelah 2 minggu saya mencuba saya dapati kulit diwajah saya telah dinaiki jerawat keci... Read more

Would recommend !
1 month ago
Received for free from Try and Review
THis one sesuai untuk oily skin! gel okay not foam! tp syokk! sejuk je bila pakai cuci muka, paling perfect lepas cuci tuu FRESSHHHHH!

THis one sesuai untuk oily skin! gel okay not foam! tp syokk! sejuk je bila pakai cuci muka, paling perfect lepas cuci tuu FRESSHHHHH!

Would recommend !
Vitamin C Facial Wash
1 month ago
Received for free from Try and Review
This facial wash is gentle for all skin type , after wash will feel more smooth and brightning.

This facial wash is gentle for all skin type , after wash will feel more smooth and brightning.

Would recommend !
Keberkesanan protext 'N' glow vitamin c glow facial wash
1 month ago
Purchased by reviewer
Sangat berkesan untuk kulit yg kusam,memudarkan bintik hitam,sekaligus mencerahkan wajah..

Sangat berkesan untuk kulit yg kusam,memudarkan bintik hitam,sekaligus mencerahkan wajah..

Would recommend !
Honest Review about Simple Vitamin C Face Wash
1 month ago
Received for free from Try and Review
I like how this face wash really works on my skin. It doesn’t have so much foam. But just one thing I don’t like which is the smell. But overall I love this face wash! Really hydrating, freshing and make my skin looks glowing!

I like how this face wash really works on my skin. It doesn’t have so much foam. But just one thing I don’t like which is the smell. But overall I love this face wash! Really hydrating, freshing and make my skin looks glowin... Read more

Would recommend !


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