Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

4.6 463 reviews 93% recommend this product!
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Member reviews | 463

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Penggunaan cetaphil
8 days ago
Received for free from Try and Review
Produk okey dgn kulit saya...terasa segar kulit muka saya selepas sya menggunakan nya

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Pembersih muka lembut cetaphil
13 days ago
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Pembersih muka ni sgt sesuai apa jenis kulit.. Jenis pembersih tanpa buih dan gentle pada kulit.. Sy jenis kulit kering dan ia dpt mengurangkn masalah kekeringan pd kulit sy dan sy jugak mempunyai masalah jerawat dlm masa yg masa dia dpt merawat masalah jerawat serta mengurangkan parut bekas jerawat sy sekali. Sy sgt mengesyorkan anda yg mempunyai masalah kering, berjerawat serta parut hitam jerawat menggunakan pembersih muka ini sekaligus ia membersih segala kekotoran dimuka..

Would recommend !
Perfect for my pre teens
20 days ago
Purchased by reviewer
Always my go to for my kids. They now have hormonic acnes and pimples and this helps. Super gentle

Would recommend !
Gentle for skin,safe for babies
21 days ago
Purchased by reviewer
Sesuai untuk mencuci wajah anak saya yang berumur 10 tahun..lembut,dan tidak merengsa kan kulit...

Would recommend !
Cetaphil always the best choice
23 days ago
Purchased by reviewer
Have been using Cetaphil as my cleanser for many years, as it proven can effectively remove the pore and oily surface to prevent acne. Good to use by people of any ages.

Would recommend !


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