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Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

This product is effective yet gentle to the wound, it doesn’t sting at all despite an open bleeding wound, I really loved this formula. My family gotten a ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
This product is effective yet gentle to the wound, it doesn’t sting at all despite an open bleeding wound, I really loved this formula. My family gotten a ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Baru2 ni anak saya jatuh di jln tar menyebabkan lututnya luka. Mujur adanya octenisept ni sy spray dan gel kan kedua2nya, terkejut tengok reaksi anak yg ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Baru2 ni anak saya jatuh di jln tar menyebabkan lututnya luka. Mujur adanya octenisept ni sy spray dan gel kan kedua2nya, terkejut tengok reaksi anak yg ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Best pakai spray ni untuk luka berdarah atau berjahit. Ianya antiseptic. Sapu sedikit dimuka kalau berjerawat.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Best pakai spray ni untuk luka berdarah atau berjahit. Ianya antiseptic. Sapu sedikit dimuka kalau berjerawat.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Good to apply. Not sensitive when contact with skin.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Good to apply. Not sensitive when contact with skin.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

I use it on my children whenever the got injured while playing.. it is not painful and the wound take shorter time to heal and leaves no scar...definitely ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I use it on my children whenever the got injured while playing.. it is not painful and the wound take shorter time to heal and leaves no scar...definitely ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I found a wound at my hubby's leg. Try to use the Octenisept Antiseptic Solution Spray to spray on his wound part, at first he feel like cool. After that i...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I found a wound at my hubby's leg. Try to use the Octenisept Antiseptic Solution Spray to spray on his wound part, at first he feel like cool. After that i...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Octenisept®antiseptic solution spray&gel very recommanded because its so fast healing the wound and slight burns.its easy to apply on skin because its non ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Octenisept®antiseptic solution spray&gel very recommanded because its so fast healing the wound and slight burns.its easy to apply on skin because its non ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

OCTENISEPT ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION SPRAY & GEL, Sangat berguna Dan membantu ibu2 dlam merawat keluarga tercinta. Cuma spray Dan sapu... Sangat2 berkesan... mer...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
OCTENISEPT ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION SPRAY & GEL, Sangat berguna Dan membantu ibu2 dlam merawat keluarga tercinta. Cuma spray Dan sapu... Sangat2 berkesan... mer...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

This product Octenisept Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel is I first time to using. I let my child to use the product is gentle and non-irritating.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
This product Octenisept Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel is I first time to using. I let my child to use the product is gentle and non-irritating.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

I have 6 years old twin boys who are very active and almost every week had minor accidents. Ice pack, handiplast and of course antiseptic gel/cream are sta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I have 6 years old twin boys who are very active and almost every week had minor accidents. Ice pack, handiplast and of course antiseptic gel/cream are sta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

produk yang bagus dan senang di gunakan, mudah meresap dalam luka.senang dia bawa ke mana sahaja.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
produk yang bagus dan senang di gunakan, mudah meresap dalam luka.senang dia bawa ke mana sahaja.

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Octenisept Cleaning Solution is a versatile antiseptic solution designed for the disinfection of wounds and mucous membranes. It is widely used in medical ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Octenisept Cleaning Solution is a versatile antiseptic solution designed for the disinfection of wounds and mucous membranes. It is widely used in medical ...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I used Octenisept to clean and disinfect a small cut on my hand. The solution worked quickly, and I noticed the wound started healing faster. It didn’t sti...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
I used Octenisept to clean and disinfect a small cut on my hand. The solution worked quickly, and I noticed the wound started healing faster. It didn’t sti...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

This antiseptic solution spray is very good product and very effective antiseptic.This gel is far better than the cream.Not only can heals skin quickly,thi...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
This antiseptic solution spray is very good product and very effective antiseptic.This gel is far better than the cream.Not only can heals skin quickly,thi...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Berkesan.luka anak saya cepat kering.bagus mudah dibawa kemana sahaja sbb kecik..bila ank family luka, dah ada untuk letakkn ubat dengan cepat.kuman pun ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Berkesan.luka anak saya cepat kering.bagus mudah dibawa kemana sahaja sbb kecik..bila ank family luka, dah ada untuk letakkn ubat dengan cepat.kuman pun ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Good product and I love it when my skin is burn it's really fastly heal. That's really impressive product. Spray and the gel really not sticky at all. Very...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Good product and I love it when my skin is burn it's really fastly heal. That's really impressive product. Spray and the gel really not sticky at all. Very...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Produk ini sangat bagus dalam penggunaannya bagi merawat luka dari dijangkiti bakteria. Ia sangat memudahkan urusan jika berlakunya perkara-perkara yang ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Produk ini sangat bagus dalam penggunaannya bagi merawat luka dari dijangkiti bakteria. Ia sangat memudahkan urusan jika berlakunya perkara-perkara yang ta...

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel

Saya gunakan pada kaki abg saya dan ternyata iainya berkesan. Saya sangat recommended

Octenisept® Antiseptic Solution Spray & Gel
Saya gunakan pada kaki abg saya dan ternyata iainya berkesan. Saya sangat recommended

I like the texture it’s light and can use for body snd face. Even I used it on my daughter skin too to relief her heat rash skin .
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