Palmolive Naturals Smooth and Moisture Bar Soap

4.7 25 reviews
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Palmolive Naturals Smooth and Moisture Bar Soap

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Sabun buku mandi palmolive
25 days ago
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Legend je antara yg tahu bau ni Mengimbau zaman tahun 2000 Ramai guna sabun ni Kekal rasa segar Lembut Harga murah. Mudah bawa travel

Legend je antara yg tahu bau ni Mengimbau zaman tahun 2000 Ramai guna sabun ni Kekal rasa segar Lembut Harga murah. Mudah bawa travel

Would recommend !
Gentle, Moisturizing & Refreshing!
1 month ago
Purchased by reviewer
I’ve been using Palmolive Naturals Smooth & Moisture Bar Soap, and it’s fantastic! The formula is rich and creamy, providing a smooth lather that cleanses the skin gently without stripping away moisture. Infused with natural ingredients, it leaves my skin feeling soft, hydrated, and refreshed after every wash. The scent is light and pleasant, making each bath a soothing experience. It’s perfect for daily use and keeps my skin feeling nourished throughout the day. If you’re looking for a gentle, moisturizing soap that leaves your skin soft and smooth, this is definitely worth trying!

I’ve been using Palmolive Naturals Smooth & Moisture Bar Soap, and it’s fantastic! The formula is rich and creamy, providing a smooth lather that cleanses the skin gently without stripping away moisture. Infused with nat... Read more

Would recommend !
sabun yang baunya tahan lama dan melembutkan kulit
3 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
Saya membeli sabun bar ini untuk mencuba, dan saya menggunakannya untuk mencuci tangan atau mencuci pakaian jika saya pernah melancong atau tidak membawa detergen pakaian bersama saya. Ia tahan lama dan segar, dan saya suka baunya yang lembut. Saya belum mencuba bau mereka yang lain, jadi itu mungkin bagus juga, tetapi saya suka yang ini.

Saya membeli sabun bar ini untuk mencuba, dan saya menggunakannya untuk mencuci tangan atau mencuci pakaian jika saya pernah melancong atau tidak membawa detergen pakaian bersama saya. Ia tahan lama dan segar, dan saya suka ... Read more

Would recommend !
ibu gemarkan nya .
3 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
sabun mandian buku tetap menjadi pilihan . Terutama ibu saya . Katanya lebih selesa berbanding cecair . wajib dan perlu ada . Harga lebih murah dan bau nya ibu betul betul sukakan nya rasa nyaman dan segar .

sabun mandian buku tetap menjadi pilihan . Terutama ibu saya . Katanya lebih selesa berbanding cecair . wajib dan perlu ada . Harga lebih murah dan bau nya ibu betul betul sukakan nya rasa nyaman dan segar .

Would recommend !
Long-lasting and clean
4 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
I bought these bar soaps to try, and I use them to wash my hands or to wash clothes if I'm ever traveling or don't have laundry detergent on hand with me. It's long-lasting and fresh, and I love the mild scent. I haven't tried their other scents, so those might be nice as well, but I loved this one.

I bought these bar soaps to try, and I use them to wash my hands or to wash clothes if I'm ever traveling or don't have laundry detergent on hand with me. It's long-lasting and fresh, and I love the mild scent. I haven't tri... Read more

Would recommend !


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