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Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)

it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)
it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50

用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50
用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)

it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)
it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50

用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50
用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50

用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

UV Expert Youth Shield Milky Bright SPF 50
用過好多唔同品牌既防曬,佢同其他牌子一樣有50度防曬,但呢一款防曬嘅質地唔算十分輕薄, 就算輕輕塗一層, 都覺得面上有少少油膩感!喺香港潮濕嘅夏天持久度一般, 有少少侷促嘅感覺, 可能比較適合外國清爽嘅天氣

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Usually, sunscreen is always fighting with my makeup, I have to give up either sunscreen or makeup when I go out. But this sunscreen will not fight with my...

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)

it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

BB低敏防曬霜SPF50+ (面及全身)
it is quite good as it is not too oily. even if you sweat much, it still stays on the skin and does not become oily.

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.

Athlizm 極防水防曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA++++
Great product for daily usage especially on the face. Not too oily nor creamy. Easy to absorb and lightly scented.