Amazing Nutrition Vitamin C, 1,000 mg, 250 Tablets
- Amazing Nutrition
- 維生素和補充品
- HK$ 209.00
Amazing Formulas™Dietary Supplement1,000 mg Per ServingVitamin Angels® Proud SupporterAn FDA Regulated FacilityWe believe that Amazing Nutrition® is the key for Healthy Living. We are passionate about bringing you the finest selection of products which can perfectly complement a healthy diet and active lifestyle.One of the most important vitamins that our bodies crave, Vitamin C is imperative to our overall health and well-being. Evert tablet of Amazing Formulas has 1000 mg of Vitamin C -Ascorbic acid – a water soluble Vitamin C that is easy for the body to absorb and utilize. Amazing Formulas Vitamin C 1000 mg dosage simplifies supplementation, you just need to take one tablet daily to reach the correct recommended dosage.Why Is Vitamin C So Important?A natural antioxidant, vitamin C possesses a number of benefits for the body. Antioxidant properties of Vitamin C supports the immune system. It promotes healthy ageing by neutralizing the effect of free radicals that attack our internal and external organs. In addition, Vitamin C helps to produce collagen, supporting skin health and healthy aging. As a kind of ascorbic acid that plays an important role in the body’s enzyme reactions. While Vitamin C can be ingested by consuming citrus and others food, many people are not able to get enough of it through their diet which is why supplementation is recommended.
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