Nasopure Nasal Wash, Value Refill Kit, 80 Buffered Salt Packets
Manage & Relieve Symptoms Associated with Allergies, Cold, Flu, Sinusitis & Rhinitis!The Most Comfortable Nose Wash in The World!®Assembled by Adults with DisabilitiesBPA-Free PlasticSatisfaction GuaranteedDon't Worry, BrEathe Happy!™Nasal Congestion - Sinus Pressure - Nasal Dryness - Post Nasal Drip - Runny Nose - Sneezing - CoughingFree of Preservatives, Drugs, & IodineBuffered Salt Nasal Wash MixSoothing, No Burning, pH Balanced!Safe - Effective - Easy To Use Contents: 80 buffered salt packets (3.75 gram weight) and detailed instructions.Stay Healthy ~ Make it a Habit! We breathe 10,000 liters of air per day and your nose is the first line of defense in a polluted world. Help avoid unnecessary illness and overmedication! don't worry, BrEathe HAPPY! First Do No Harm Dr. Hana, a pediatrician with decades of experience, is on a mission to educate people on the benefits of nasal washing. Her enthusiasm for patient empowerment and avoidance of medication overuse has become the core of BeWell Health. As a company, our goal is to help you feel better and breathe easier, naturally!What's Different? The Magic Is In The Mix! Nasopure buffered salt reduces the burning and irritation commonly felt with other salt mixes! Comfortable pH balanced alkaline solution Pharmaceutical grade ingredients Buffered solution reduces burning/irritation Affordable, convenient, and travel friendly pre-measured packets All natural ~ no additives or preservativesThe Nasopure Bottle! Designed by a pediatrician, the patented Nasopure bottle allows for a comfortable, soothing experience even a 2 year old can enjoy! Travel friendly resealable cap! No bending ~ No twisting ~ No drowning sensation! The Nasopure Experience! Simple, soothing, safe ~ feels great!The Most Comfortable Nose Wash in the World!® Who ♥'s Nasopure? Anyone with a nose! Manage & Relieve symptoms associated with Allergies, Cold, Flu, Sinusitis & Rhinitis!Naturally Promotes Nasal & Sinus Drainage May Reduce Swelling of Nasal Membranes May Remove Infectious Particles, Allergens & Pollutants

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