Here We Flo Bamboo Night Pads Ultra Thin with Wings, 14 Pads
- Here We Flo
- Feminine care
- HK$ 77.00
NaturalEco-FriendlyUltra-AbsorbentBreathableSilkyyy-Soft Vegetarian Society Vegan ApprovedCruelty Free and VeganBrilliant Bamboo!Fast-growing, greenhouse gas-absorbing, biodegrading, high oxygen-releasing, microbe-busting, soil-restoring, waste-reducing and bloody strong.What's in these?100% Organic Bamboo + Corn FibreBiodegradable PLA, SAP + Plant CelluloseBiodegradable Plant Starch Wrapper100% SASSNo synthetic fibres, chlorine, dioxins, pesticide residues, artificial dyes, fragrances or allergens.Hello, gorgeous!Fancy some 100% natural bamboo pads?Congratulations, your period is now 100% free of nasties!Our pack + pads are made from recyclable & biodegradable materials. 5% of our profits go to girls & women in need. Winged, ultra thin, ultra-long ultra absorbent + wrapped for on-the-go. So whether you dance-all-night or wear-2-pads-back-to-back- to-seal-things-up-tight, this pad pack has your back.
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