Vitamins & supplements
Vitamins and supplements are made to help our body to stay healthy and strong. They also help you to boost your immune system so you can fight diseases and illnesses. Here you can find vitamins and supplements for energy, calcium, weight loss, skin booster and more.
Do leave your honest review if you have tried any of these products!
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Panadol Extra With Optizors
I think Panadol is very helpful, it helped me with headaches and pain from a cold. I would definitely recommend it to someone who easily gets sick or is al...
Panadol Extra With Optizors
I think Panadol is very helpful, it helped me with headaches and pain from a cold. I would definitely recommend it to someone who easily gets sick or is al...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Just have 1 bottle and already energetic and effective working for whole day
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Just have 1 bottle and already energetic and effective working for whole day
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
好醒腦,而且飲完令人精神爽利,令工作更利落。 細細支,而且扭蓋設計,可邊行邊飲,啱哂每朝趕時間返工返學嘅人! 無糖,減緊肥嘅人事,又要做運動,十分適合。不怕飲甜野,又唔洗怕做運動無力無心機。 但係味道好新奇,唔似平時飲開嘅能量飲品嘅味道,要有心理準備。
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
好醒腦,而且飲完令人精神爽利,令工作更利落。 細細支,而且扭蓋設計,可邊行邊飲,啱哂每朝趕時間返工返學嘅人! 無糖,減緊肥嘅人事,又要做運動,十分適合。不怕飲甜野,又唔洗怕做運動無力無心機。 但係味道好新奇,唔似平時飲開嘅能量飲品嘅味道,要有心理準備。
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
你好,本人是在地盤工作,精神及體力消耗比較大,第一日飲用時間在am10:00, 飲用後明顯地在精神及集中力有顯著提升,時間上大約有六至八小時,但好可惜在體力上並未有及時補充感覺,第二天飲用時間在中午飯後大約工作兩小時後,f同第一天一樣,在精神 集中力都能 維持六至八小時,可惜都是在體力上未能得以補充,而飲用味...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
你好,本人是在地盤工作,精神及體力消耗比較大,第一日飲用時間在am10:00, 飲用後明顯地在精神及集中力有顯著提升,時間上大約有六至八小時,但好可惜在體力上並未有及時補充感覺,第二天飲用時間在中午飯後大約工作兩小時後,f同第一天一樣,在精神 集中力都能 維持六至八小時,可惜都是在體力上未能得以補充,而飲用味...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
The packing looks very attractive and appealing. Taste is very sour and because of sourness peach flavour cannot be made out. Could not drink after first...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
The packing looks very attractive and appealing. Taste is very sour and because of sourness peach flavour cannot be made out. Could not drink after first...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
做gym前飲,都feel到精神夠集中,原本放工嘅時候都幾攰,但飲完的確可以做晒成個section,同埋唔會好攰 不過味道會偏甜,飲完要飲水
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
做gym前飲,都feel到精神夠集中,原本放工嘅時候都幾攰,但飲完的確可以做晒成個section,同埋唔會好攰 不過味道會偏甜,飲完要飲水
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5‑hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑是一款膳食補充劑 ,能讓您隨時隨地補充體力,輕鬆提升集中力。 它含有能夠提神醒腦的維他命 B 群、氨基酸以及營養素,同時不含糖份、碳水化合物和草藥興奮劑。全新配方以茶為咖啡因,並只有 4 卡路里,給您健康的能量之源。它以茶為咖啡因,而含量相等於一杯優質咖啡。喜歡飲咖啡的...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5‑hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑是一款膳食補充劑 ,能讓您隨時隨地補充體力,輕鬆提升集中力。 它含有能夠提神醒腦的維他命 B 群、氨基酸以及營養素,同時不含糖份、碳水化合物和草藥興奮劑。全新配方以茶為咖啡因,並只有 4 卡路里,給您健康的能量之源。它以茶為咖啡因,而含量相等於一杯優質咖啡。喜歡飲咖啡的...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
真係好提神, 公司同事成日將冷氣開到太暖,人都暈啦, 仲要帶住口罩 今日中午飲左半樽左右就精神好多, 餘下的明天再飲 真係好細樽, 差D 一下子飲晒
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
真係好提神, 公司同事成日將冷氣開到太暖,人都暈啦, 仲要帶住口罩 今日中午飲左半樽左右就精神好多, 餘下的明天再飲 真係好細樽, 差D 一下子飲晒
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
問近正值工作最忙既時候,剛剛收到呢2支Energy Shot心諗:咁岩既,岩用喎!外型上細細支,無論外帶或者將來想大量存貨都可以方便收納!成份上,既有維他命B3,B6,B12,而且更無糖,相信可以更可以為血糖偏高人士帶黎同等既體驗!味道上,試既係橙味,我覺得偏濃,入口果下有橙味,但飲左之後覺得有股濃濃既唔太似...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
問近正值工作最忙既時候,剛剛收到呢2支Energy Shot心諗:咁岩既,岩用喎!外型上細細支,無論外帶或者將來想大量存貨都可以方便收納!成份上,既有維他命B3,B6,B12,而且更無糖,相信可以更可以為血糖偏高人士帶黎同等既體驗!味道上,試既係橙味,我覺得偏濃,入口果下有橙味,但飲左之後覺得有股濃濃既唔太似...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
I have been playing Tennis every Single Day for Coaching and for pleasure. Sometimes play 2-3 hours non stop can be very tired and losing strenght and ener...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
I have been playing Tennis every Single Day for Coaching and for pleasure. Sometimes play 2-3 hours non stop can be very tired and losing strenght and ener...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
我收到的提子味, 味道甘甜, 我很喜歡! 飲用後約20分鐘便開始有輕鬆的感覺, 頭腦清醒, 沒有睡意了啊!
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
我收到的提子味, 味道甘甜, 我很喜歡! 飲用後約20分鐘便開始有輕鬆的感覺, 頭腦清醒, 沒有睡意了啊!
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
包裝用色及設計好eye catching,同時可以令消息者明確知道產品重點。基於近日異常繁忙同時身體不適,精神及體力都較差;適逢今日有戶外活動,飲用後覺得不論精神及體力都有所提升,整個下午亦未覺疲倦,功效方面個人覺得不俗;唯味道方便有點點怪,加上個人不太喜歡代糖味,有少少扣分。留意到有其他口味,之後都會買嚟試...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
包裝用色及設計好eye catching,同時可以令消息者明確知道產品重點。基於近日異常繁忙同時身體不適,精神及體力都較差;適逢今日有戶外活動,飲用後覺得不論精神及體力都有所提升,整個下午亦未覺疲倦,功效方面個人覺得不俗;唯味道方便有點點怪,加上個人不太喜歡代糖味,有少少扣分。留意到有其他口味,之後都會買嚟試...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5 hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑帶有新鮮香橙味🍊 全新配方仲好好味😋 細細支放手袋好方便 一啖飲晒瞬間醒腦提神😎 當你精神好差同埋好攰嘅時候 佢絕對可以令您精神力量番晒嚟~ 能量滿滿喔☺️ 即開即喝~ 仲要無糖低卡 係市面上較為健康嘅無糖能量飲品之一🤩 正丫!!
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5 hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑帶有新鮮香橙味🍊 全新配方仲好好味😋 細細支放手袋好方便 一啖飲晒瞬間醒腦提神😎 當你精神好差同埋好攰嘅時候 佢絕對可以令您精神力量番晒嚟~ 能量滿滿喔☺️ 即開即喝~ 仲要無糖低卡 係市面上較為健康嘅無糖能量飲品之一🤩 正丫!!
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5-hour energy的味道很好,包裝乾淨簡潔,飲用方便,能提供運動的動力和熱能,是值得推薦的能量飲品
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
5-hour energy的味道很好,包裝乾淨簡潔,飲用方便,能提供運動的動力和熱能,是值得推薦的能量飲品
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
它的瓶身很小,可以輕鬆地放進口袋或錢包中,並隨時隨地飲用。此外,Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot的口感也很好,不會太甜或太苦。
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
它的瓶身很小,可以輕鬆地放進口袋或錢包中,並隨時隨地飲用。此外,Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot的口感也很好,不會太甜或太苦。
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
I usually run about 45mins on every working days, after I start drinking “5-hour enery” when I finished running, I feel not only the muscles recover faster...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
I usually run about 45mins on every working days, after I start drinking “5-hour enery” when I finished running, I feel not only the muscles recover faster...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
果香味容易入口好提子, 返工每天都比較勞碌,好容易攰飲完之後,能夠精力充沛。 提起精神工作,沒有感到有睡意同埋攰
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
果香味容易入口好提子, 返工每天都比較勞碌,好容易攰飲完之後,能夠精力充沛。 提起精神工作,沒有感到有睡意同埋攰
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
夜晚唔願訓,又一早起身做gym再番工,真係攰到癲😭早排見到5-hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑就試下,又真係幾work喎🤤飲完即刻幫我提升力量,做起運動上黎都特別爽~ ENERGY® 袖珍裝能量補充劑蘊含重要的維他命B3,B6及B12,而且不含糖份,只有4卡路里,減肥都唔怕飲☺️讓你輕鬆撃退防不勝防...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
夜晚唔願訓,又一早起身做gym再番工,真係攰到癲😭早排見到5-hour ENERGY® 能量補充劑就試下,又真係幾work喎🤤飲完即刻幫我提升力量,做起運動上黎都特別爽~ ENERGY® 袖珍裝能量補充劑蘊含重要的維他命B3,B6及B12,而且不含糖份,只有4卡路里,減肥都唔怕飲☺️讓你輕鬆撃退防不勝防...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Grape 味好啱口味, 加上無甜, 可放心飲, 好啱做完gym 飲, 之後再返工嘅我。 又可以係3點3, 下午茶飲, 又提神,最啱工作忙碌嘅我, 超正
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Grape 味好啱口味, 加上無甜, 可放心飲, 好啱做完gym 飲, 之後再返工嘅我。 又可以係3點3, 下午茶飲, 又提神,最啱工作忙碌嘅我, 超正
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
包裝精美而且方便外出時帶備 味道好好易入口 飲用後唔會產生口渴的感覺 對體力有明顯提振作用人唔易疲倦
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
時不時會起粒粒 舒敏膚草本精華 嚴選天然中藥草本成份,能有助紓緩敏感皮膚,袪除引致敏感皮膚的風、熱、濕等外邪。性質溫和養潤,日常飲用有助袪除外邪。 獨立包裝,每天一次,每次一包。可直接食用、以溫開水沖調飲用或整包原封直接放入沸水中浸泡加熱約三分鐘飲用。 方便攜帶及食用。 天然成分。味道都可以接受,由內...
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
時不時會起粒粒 舒敏膚草本精華 嚴選天然中藥草本成份,能有助紓緩敏感皮膚,袪除引致敏感皮膚的風、熱、濕等外邪。性質溫和養潤,日常飲用有助袪除外邪。 獨立包裝,每天一次,每次一包。可直接食用、以溫開水沖調飲用或整包原封直接放入沸水中浸泡加熱約三分鐘飲用。 方便攜帶及食用。 天然成分。味道都可以接受,由內...
Children's Calming Relief Tea
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
提神效果一般, 味道一般, frankly speaking, not as good as it mentions. performance, taste, packaging also fair. It needs more improvement in its packaging, formula, a...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
提神效果一般, 味道一般, frankly speaking, not as good as it mentions. performance, taste, packaging also fair. It needs more improvement in its packaging, formula, a...
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
使用中藥進改善身體,是東方古早傳下來的醫療文化。 然而,儘管大部份的中藥對身體比較溫和,仍然需注意要依照個人體質作選擇與調整,最好有專業的中醫師來對症下藥,而天然中藥材煮成,再以耐熱塑膠包裝保存,可隔水加熱就能直接飲用,非常適合沒有時間熬煮藥材的民眾!
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
使用中藥進改善身體,是東方古早傳下來的醫療文化。 然而,儘管大部份的中藥對身體比較溫和,仍然需注意要依照個人體質作選擇與調整,最好有專業的中醫師來對症下藥,而天然中藥材煮成,再以耐熱塑膠包裝保存,可隔水加熱就能直接飲用,非常適合沒有時間熬煮藥材的民眾!
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
I don’t like it all! it’s has a sugary taste and the after taste is bitter.
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
It is easy to dilute with hot water though. Handy packet and user friendly. Strong taste and not tasty for sure. Do not think this product works on me beca...
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)
It is easy to dilute with hot water though. Handy packet and user friendly. Strong taste and not tasty for sure. Do not think this product works on me beca...
Children's Calming Relief Tea
Children's Calming Relief Tea
Children's Calming Relief Tea
包裝: -茶包上的縄子不夠精美及仔細, 容易甩縄 (附上照片) -包裝上食用方法只是寫上放入沸水中, 建議可以詳細寫上約多少ml 味道: 雖然味道像茶一樣(大人試), 但小朋友試了後也不喜歡, 建議加上少少甜味吸引小孩子服用 功效: 因為小朋友只喝了一口便因為味道不合適而不再飲用
Children's Calming Relief Tea
包裝: -茶包上的縄子不夠精美及仔細, 容易甩縄 (附上照片) -包裝上食用方法只是寫上放入沸水中, 建議可以詳細寫上約多少ml 味道: 雖然味道像茶一樣(大人試), 但小朋友試了後也不喜歡, 建議加上少少甜味吸引小孩子服用 功效: 因為小朋友只喝了一口便因為味道不合適而不再飲用
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Honestly, it was anything special. The taste was bitter sweet but not in a good way. Didn't impress me at all.
Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® Shot
Honestly, it was anything special. The taste was bitter sweet but not in a good way. Didn't impress me at all.
舒敏膚草本精華 (成人)