Dried Snack Foods
Read product reviews shared by the Try and Review community about dried snack foods such as jerky, dried fruit, dried cuttlefish, nuts and more.
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Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
我好小會食生果製品 有次同事拎返公司請我地食 我竟然覺得好好食 佢好香芒果味 唔會好似有陣好假嘅味道咁
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
一開始包裝圖片會讓人吸引想買 特地嚐鮮試試看購買 但味道偏太甜,有小小顆粒 如果可以口味偏酸一點會更好! 不然吃兩三根後,就會覺得膩! 跟其他口味沒有什麼差別與跳出
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
一開始包裝圖片會讓人吸引想買 特地嚐鮮試試看購買 但味道偏太甜,有小小顆粒 如果可以口味偏酸一點會更好! 不然吃兩三根後,就會覺得膩! 跟其他口味沒有什麼差別與跳出
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
仔女由幼稚園食開嘅小食品牌 此味道好啱食甜嘅人 比起士多啤利更好味 雖然唔係肚圍有得賣。但係大多數賣日本食品嘅地方都有
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
仔女由幼稚園食開嘅小食品牌 此味道好啱食甜嘅人 比起士多啤利更好味 雖然唔係肚圍有得賣。但係大多數賣日本食品嘅地方都有
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
細細個已經食過味道好 fresh , 絕對係真實芒果味 , 以前連辦館 , 士多都有得買 , 細細包份量岩岩好 。
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
好味 , 果仁好脆 , 楓糖味味 , 亦好天然 , 值得再去買來食 , zip口好方便 , 鍾意分幾多次食都得 。
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Fresh nutty snack - Best for on the go snacks :) Recommended for busy work days or a day out :D
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Fresh nutty snack - Best for on the go snacks :) Recommended for busy work days or a day out :D
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
一開包裝已經好香, 好吸引, 一食果仁好脆, 然後就食到楓糖既味道, 相當唔錯, 如果價錢唔貴, 值得買.
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
不錯,夠甜帶點酸,很上癮。Sweet and sour. The taste is quite good that I would keep eating it . I will try it again!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
不錯,夠甜帶點酸,很上癮。Sweet and sour. The taste is quite good that I would keep eating it . I will try it again!
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
It is sweet but not too sweet. The chocolate and peanut flavour is so good and milky that you will not be able to get rid of that.
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
It is sweet but not too sweet. The chocolate and peanut flavour is so good and milky that you will not be able to get rid of that.
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
I bought this inbpark in shop in hk. It’s wonderfully juicy and taste fresh. The best snack ever and it’s quite healthy
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
I bought this inbpark in shop in hk. It’s wonderfully juicy and taste fresh. The best snack ever and it’s quite healthy
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
As a dark chocolate lover, some of the chocolates out there might be too sweet for my liking, and this could be a little bit sweet, but I really enjoy putt...
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
As a dark chocolate lover, some of the chocolates out there might be too sweet for my liking, and this could be a little bit sweet, but I really enjoy putt...
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
最鍾意食就係呢隻芒果乾因為我覺得佢個咬口比較真實唔似平時嗰啲芒果乾 上面嘅糖粉唔會太多又唔會太少甜味又適中又帶點酸 最重要嘅係佢比較真實夠清新唔會太假都唔會遲太多人做糖 而且口感真係非常之好所以我見到都會買不過呢就會等特價先買有時覺得佢太貴
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
最鍾意食就係呢隻芒果乾因為我覺得佢個咬口比較真實唔似平時嗰啲芒果乾 上面嘅糖粉唔會太多又唔會太少甜味又適中又帶點酸 最重要嘅係佢比較真實夠清新唔會太假都唔會遲太多人做糖 而且口感真係非常之好所以我見到都會買不過呢就會等特價先買有時覺得佢太貴
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
It is sweet but not too sweet. The chocolate and peanut flavour is so good and milky that you will not be able to get rid of that.
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
It is sweet but not too sweet. The chocolate and peanut flavour is so good and milky that you will not be able to get rid of that.
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
As a dark chocolate lover, some of the chocolates out there might be too sweet for my liking, and this could be a little bit sweet, but I really enjoy putt...
Kinder Bueno Chocolate Wafer
As a dark chocolate lover, some of the chocolates out there might be too sweet for my liking, and this could be a little bit sweet, but I really enjoy putt...
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
打開有有淡淡的橙香味, 甜度適中又不會太甜... 而且果仁非常鬆脆可口, 包裝有密實拉鏈方便收藏, 設計貼心... I LIKE IT~!
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
打開有有淡淡的橙香味, 甜度適中又不會太甜... 而且果仁非常鬆脆可口, 包裝有密實拉鏈方便收藏, 設計貼心... I LIKE IT~!
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
打開已經有香橙的味道,鬆脆 好味道 不會很硬連帶牙套都可以吃 ,早餐又可以加在麥片一齊吃 營養 健康 好吃
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
very good and tasty, i love to eat nuts, and this product is not so sweet, very nice
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
very good and tasty, i love to eat nuts, and this product is not so sweet, very nice
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
it has a variety of nuts so that i don't feel boring eating it, The taste is amazing, it's crunchy, just as freshly made, definitely would like to keep buy...
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
it has a variety of nuts so that i don't feel boring eating it, The taste is amazing, it's crunchy, just as freshly made, definitely would like to keep buy...
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Assorted Fruit Gummy
Colorful, delicious, sweet and chewy. The sweetness is actually very close to the taste of the fruits.
Assorted Fruit Gummy
Colorful, delicious, sweet and chewy. The sweetness is actually very close to the taste of the fruits.
Coated Green Peas
These Are My Favourites!! They Are So Tasty & Yummy, Whenever I Travel To Different Countries Or Travel Anywhere, I Will always Have these in my Bag! There...
Coated Green Peas
These Are My Favourites!! They Are So Tasty & Yummy, Whenever I Travel To Different Countries Or Travel Anywhere, I Will always Have these in my Bag! There...
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
一開始包裝圖片會讓人吸引想買 特地嚐鮮試試看購買 但味道偏太甜,有小小顆粒 如果可以口味偏酸一點會更好! 不然吃兩三根後,就會覺得膩! 跟其他口味沒有什麼差別與跳出
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
一開始包裝圖片會讓人吸引想買 特地嚐鮮試試看購買 但味道偏太甜,有小小顆粒 如果可以口味偏酸一點會更好! 不然吃兩三根後,就會覺得膩! 跟其他口味沒有什麼差別與跳出
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
不錯,夠甜帶點酸,很上癮。Sweet and sour. The taste is quite good that I would keep eating it . I will try it again!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
不錯,夠甜帶點酸,很上癮。Sweet and sour. The taste is quite good that I would keep eating it . I will try it again!
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
仔女由幼稚園食開嘅小食品牌 此味道好啱食甜嘅人 比起士多啤利更好味 雖然唔係肚圍有得賣。但係大多數賣日本食品嘅地方都有
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
仔女由幼稚園食開嘅小食品牌 此味道好啱食甜嘅人 比起士多啤利更好味 雖然唔係肚圍有得賣。但係大多數賣日本食品嘅地方都有
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
I bought this inbpark in shop in hk. It’s wonderfully juicy and taste fresh. The best snack ever and it’s quite healthy
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
I bought this inbpark in shop in hk. It’s wonderfully juicy and taste fresh. The best snack ever and it’s quite healthy
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
最鍾意食就係呢隻芒果乾因為我覺得佢個咬口比較真實唔似平時嗰啲芒果乾 上面嘅糖粉唔會太多又唔會太少甜味又適中又帶點酸 最重要嘅係佢比較真實夠清新唔會太假都唔會遲太多人做糖 而且口感真係非常之好所以我見到都會買不過呢就會等特價先買有時覺得佢太貴
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
最鍾意食就係呢隻芒果乾因為我覺得佢個咬口比較真實唔似平時嗰啲芒果乾 上面嘅糖粉唔會太多又唔會太少甜味又適中又帶點酸 最重要嘅係佢比較真實夠清新唔會太假都唔會遲太多人做糖 而且口感真係非常之好所以我見到都會買不過呢就會等特價先買有時覺得佢太貴
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
This is not my 1st time to but POCKY products. I like there are many favourite that you can try it. For this product, taste good but quite expensive.
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
This is not my 1st time to but POCKY products. I like there are many favourite that you can try it. For this product, taste good but quite expensive.
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
我好小會食生果製品 有次同事拎返公司請我地食 我竟然覺得好好食 佢好香芒果味 唔會好似有陣好假嘅味道咁
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
好味 , 果仁好脆 , 楓糖味味 , 亦好天然 , 值得再去買來食 , zip口好方便 , 鍾意分幾多次食都得 。
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
一開包裝已經好香, 好吸引, 一食果仁好脆, 然後就食到楓糖既味道, 相當唔錯, 如果價錢唔貴, 值得買.
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
細細個已經食過味道好 fresh , 絕對係真實芒果味 , 以前連辦館 , 士多都有得買 , 細細包份量岩岩好 。
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Fresh nutty snack - Best for on the go snacks :) Recommended for busy work days or a day out :D
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - SG
Fresh nutty snack - Best for on the go snacks :) Recommended for busy work days or a day out :D
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - HK-EN
taste good, I will buy it for my friends and family next time. it is quit special and funny that I didnt meet before.
Zesty Maple Glazed Nut Mix - HK-EN
taste good, I will buy it for my friends and family next time. it is quit special and funny that I didnt meet before.
Coated Green Peas
These Are My Favourites!! They Are So Tasty & Yummy, Whenever I Travel To Different Countries Or Travel Anywhere, I Will always Have these in my Bag! There...
Coated Green Peas
These Are My Favourites!! They Are So Tasty & Yummy, Whenever I Travel To Different Countries Or Travel Anywhere, I Will always Have these in my Bag! There...
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
7D mangoes always my favourite brand! Made with Real mango. Price is reasonable. Love the taste and can’t stop!! Always purchase at the supermarket in HK
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Fruity Pockey Blueberry flavour
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!
Dried Mangoes & Pineapple Mix
No other brands are comparable to this one. It is the most delicious one!