Jomtam Forbidden City Lipstick
JOMTAM retro Chinese style lipstick Moisturizing is non-drying lipstick, waterproof, and not easy to decolor:
- The lipstick shell is decorated with Chinese characteristics, which makes this lipstick unique.
- The lipstick is delicate and silky, and it fits the lip and is easy to apply.
- This lipstick has a moisturizing effect that moisturizes the lips while creating a hydrating finish.
- In a high-pigment formula that glides like velvet, and feels like nothing else.
- The matte texture makes an advanced makeup effect. Advanced matte for the enhanced complexion.
- This lipstick contains a variety of lipsticks, allowing you to draw different styles of lip makeup, you can choose the right lipstick according to your needs.
4 Non-greasy
4 Pigmentation
4 Lightweight
2 Long lasting

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- Age : 34 years
- Skin concern : 55137##1-2天|55138##從不|55139##從不|55140##從不|55141##從不|55176##從不|55177##從不|55178##從不
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