TRESemmé Botanique, Nourish & Replenish Shampoo

4.5 2 reviews
50% recommend this product!
TRESemmé Botanique, Nourish & Replenish Shampoo

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Jodohnya rambutku 💜
4 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
Yg paling aku suka dri TRESemme Botanique Nourish And Replenish Shampoo krna mngandung bahan2 botani sprti minyak zaitun & minyak camellia. Krna aku typical org yg suka pake produk yg mngandung bhan alami & efektif bs menyuburkan rambut krna mslah utama rambut aku dr dlu smpe skrg yg blm trslesaikan adlh rmbut rontok, selain itu bs melembutkan ujung2 yg kering dgn lembut, krna rambutku tebal & mngembang jd suka bgt pake shampoo ini, soalnya abs keramas psti langsung jd lembut bgt. shampoo ini jg cocok u/ kulit kepala yg sensitif. Bahan2 organik nya membantu membersihkan kulit kepala dgn menghilangkan polutan yg tdk diinginkan. Nah buat kalian yg mengalami perawatan kimiawi sprti pewarna/cat rambut cocok bgt lho pake shampoo ini, rambut terasa lbh lembut & mudah diatur. Dan yg pasti Wanginya enyaaaaaakkk 😍👍💜 Kalian hrs coba sendiri ya utk membuktikan bagusnya produk TRESemme Botanique Nourish And Replenish Shampoo ini 🤗💜

Yg paling aku suka dri TRESemme Botanique Nourish And Replenish Shampoo krna mngandung bahan2 botani sprti minyak zaitun & minyak camellia. Krna aku typical org yg suka pake produk yg mngandung bhan alami & efek... Read more

Would recommend !
Light and Fresh
4 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
This is one of my go to shampoos. It's very lightweight and the smell is refreshing. I also like how it is free from silicones which I usually see as an ingredient from other shampoos available from the market. It's not a miracle product that can fix damaged hair but considering its price, it's really worth the purchase.

This is one of my go to shampoos. It's very lightweight and the smell is refreshing. I also like how it is free from silicones which I usually see as an ingredient from other shampoos available from the market. It's not a mi... Read more

Would not recommend !


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