Seche Seche Vite Dry fast Top Coat

3.7 1 review
100% recommend this product!
Seche Seche Vite Dry fast Top Coat

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Dries nails fast
8 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
I use this only when I need a new nail design or color for an event. This top coat sets nail polish incredibility fast. Need not worry about wrinkling your newly painted nails when you sleep. But is also famous for turning thick and groggy FAST! In addition, with use, the polish will peel off within a day or two. The smell is horrible too!

I use this only when I need a new nail design or color for an event. This top coat sets nail polish incredibility fast. Need not worry about wrinkling your newly painted nails when you sleep. But is also famous for turning ... Read more

Would recommend !


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