BRAND’S® AlphaMynd Essence of Chicken with Vitamin B Complex For Children

4.5 134 reviews 87% recommend this product!
BRAND’S® AlphaMynd Essence of Chicken with Vitamin B Complex For Children

Member reviews | 134

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Fast easy and efficient
3 years ago
Received for free from Try and Review
Great for kids to help boost energy and concentrations. Nice and natural taste as kids slurp every drop in the bottle. Fast and easy to prepare before they goes to school.

Would recommend !
6 years ago
Received for free from Try and Review
My son loves it so much, during PSLE exam weeks, he requested to drink. I bought from NTUC for him to drink during his exam weeks.

Would recommend !
Brands Essence Alphamynd
6 years ago
Received for free from Try and Review
My son likes the taste and he says it helps him focus. He would normally take it before an exam.

Would recommend !
Great pick me up for kids
6 years ago
Received as a gift outside Try and Review
Like a caffeine fix, but much healthier. Can better concentrate after having a bottle.

Would recommend !
6 years ago
Received for free from Try and Review
My daughter had difficulties drinking the essence due to the strong smell and taste. However, I did notice a change in her ability to focus and concentrate during the 7 days she drank the essence. If only, the strong and taste could be altered to better cater to children, I am very confident this would be one of the top choice for parents!

Would not recommend !


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