Hyalogic HyaFlex™, Hyaluronic Acid For Joints, For Cats, 1 oz (30 ml)
Non-Flavor LiquidFeline Hip & Joint FormulaQuality Seal NASC - National Animal Supplement CouncilHyaluronic Acid in Your CatCoat Tissue & Hair Follicles – Shaft & FollicleSkin – EpidermisEyes – Vitreous HumorGums - Connective TissueJoints – Synovial Fluid (HA)Joint Health for Your PetHyaluronic Acid (HA) is revolutionizing the joint health management for humans, horses, and now your pets. Found naturally in all living organisms, it provides the elastic shock absorbing properties to support healthy joints for your pet.HyaFlex™ is patented for joint health, and helps to compensate for your pet's depleted ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid with age by maintaining and supporting healthy movement and lubrication.Benefits of HyaFlex for cats:Helps support and maintain:Joint lubricationJoint flexibilityJoint functionCartilage functionWhy choose HyaFlex for Cats?Easy to use liquid formHigh molecular weight – Supports healthy jointsConvenient – Only once per dayVegan Friendly – Non-animal derivedGluten Free

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