Therapy Clean All Purpose Cleaner, Fresh Herbs & Melon, 24 fl oz (710 ml)
- Therapy Clean
- Artigos de Limpeza
- R$54.00
Uplift & BrightenPowerful Plant-Based CleanerTough on Dirt & GreaseWellness-Inspired100% Natural FragranceLeaping Bunny®; Cruelty-FreeUSDA Certified Biobased ProductCertified WBENCYou'll feel better after a good Therapy® Clean! Therapy® Clean All Purpose Cleaner uses fragrance technology designed to boost your mood and enhance your well-being - all while making your home sparkle!* Things To Feel Good About: Mood-Enhancing Plant-Based Naturally Scented Solvent-Free Cruelty-FreeThings To Let Go Of:Ammonia Parabens Phosphates Petroleum Solvents Synthetic Fragrances Testing on Animals*Scientifically backed by fMRl data.

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